Japanese Cooking Club

I have a passion for Japanese Cooking. I love it! Can’t get enough of it!

Although after moving to my house in 2000 and not having any counter space, I do not cook it as much as I used to.

I started a group at Yahoo several years ago. If you are interested in Japanese homestyle cooking please check us out!

The Japanese Cooking Club

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I just recently tried sushi last year and learned that I really like it!

October 7, 2003

i’m thinking of taking up thai cooking… i’ve got a few dishes under my belt already… but being that i am thai, i would like to have more… 🙂

You sure are all about your Yahoo…. 😛

October 8, 2003

So is it OK to eat sushi while breastfeeding? I think I will die from lack of sushi if I have to wait much longer after having the baby! =)

October 8, 2003

ooooh no more food thanks – in a different lifetime that would be yummy xxx

October 8, 2003

The smell of cooking rice… what the…? CRAZY. How could that possibly be bad for you if eating the rice isn’t? *boggles* I have a zillion other things to say to reply to your notes but I’ll have to spread out the comments. Heh.

October 8, 2003

I’m cracking up about the time you walked from your car into your office with your chonies showing… The ONE time I wore a thong to work, somebody walked in on me in the bathroom. I, being the stupid Kymaera that I am, didn’t know how to react so I said: “I swear I never wear thongs except today!” How lame am I?! Like I have to explain my underwear choice to someone.

October 8, 2003

Thanks for replying about the mirin. *making a shopping list* You are very brave to read my whole diary. I’ll have to go and read more of your entries when I have time. I’m noting a lot today but I have work to do now! Bleh.