I’m a furry

Dear Diary,

Well, it’s been, like, months since I’ve written in you.  So much has happened to me this year…where to begin.

I actually forgave Ryan for the incident I wrote about in my previous entry, but things have gotten low again where I think I’m going to break it off again.

It’s official, I am a furry.  I went to Anthrocon in Pittsburgh, PA this past June and had a blast!  I want to try my hand at writing some furry stories.  I have two furry characters or "fursonas".  One is a magical horse named Kazam(my lighter half), and the other is a crimson dragon named Alizar(my darker self).  I created a Facebook page for them, since I noticed an awful lot of furries have fursona pages on there.  I am also on FurAffinity.net and Pounced.org.

For more info on furries, see this video:



Peace <3

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