So o.o

Blah…so very blah.. I have to work yule night and yule day…not looking forward to it but oh well.. I have to get up and walk my dog get dressed and do laundry..yet i lack rather sit here and watch lord of the rings drink rootbeer and eat cake o.o fat kid day? Fuck yea!

So what has come to pass? well..

tossed my back while dealing with an inmate..

had cold shivers for the first time in my life…like woke up from a dead sleep shivering..its crazy cause I am a furnace most times..

i have been eating advil for 2 days straight like candy

and the dude on the t.v. is flipping out for no reason.. I’d love to live in middle earth..i should of been born centuries ago..i would of been better off..traveling as a merc…or a knight ..even better a lord..skilled in the ways of healing wise in the way of leadership A master in the ways of war..and a master with weapons.. that’d be bad ass o.O

oh! so I finally got an email back from my captain about the transfer to road patrol. they planned on doing interviews this month but I knew that was a lie due to the holidays -_- oh well maybe by my b-day will I have my chance.

So I realize I have not shared a story of my past in a long while..I am ok with that..


okay..i am done..

Hi Shy!!!

So i guess this is it for the night..if you’re new around here. Welcome to the world of Gareth aka me. It’s twisted…kinda insane..but its home. You’re welcome to look around, say what you want…do what you want..just realize, I am not perfect..I am not like you..or any one you will ever meet in more ways than 1. I am just me..take me…leave me..hate me..I dont care..probably never will.

~*Sweet Nightmares*~,


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