2002 – 2020

I haven’t written in opendiary since 2002.  That’s long enough for a child to be born, grow up, and graduate High School.  Since then I’ve had children, gotten married, been through multiple colleges, and had 15+ years of work experience.   I’ve played on stage, drawn fans and had a good time.  I’ve sweat, and burned, been injured, protected people from injury, led crews and teams, and all the while wondered if I was doing the right thing.

In 2002 I remember wanting to write and play music.  All I ever thought about was getting the gear to play, or writing lyrics to songs.   I didn’t have the attention span I had had just a couple of years earlier, to write a full layout for a screenplay.  Lyrics were the best my teenage mind could do.

I’m coming back to this site, as I really want some record of where I’ve been and where I’m going to look back on in the coming months.  I currently work somewhere that’s a budding company that’s expanding rapidly, and I’m getting back into music and writing as my children are old enough to entertain themselves more than a few minutes at a time.

I should write an obligatory ‘about me’ I guess.

I like building things.   I like making things with my hands, be they nut and bolt, sound, or word.   I like solving problems.   I’ve seen the side-eye I get from people when I’m successful at solving the problems they bring to me and while I don’t like it, I love breathing life back into things others have written off as hopeless causes.   That, and I live for horror, and the dreaming.

The dreaming.   That’s a love/hate relationship I’ve had since the beginning.   I tend to sleep very little, and when I do I barely remember my dreams. Maybe I’ll write about the dreams here.

I’ll write about my daily entanglements as well – but I’m trying to jump start an engine that’s felt dead for years here so there’s no telling what’s going to get spewed out on this page.

Regardless, it’s 1am in the morning and I now have another project to do for the executives at the company I work for.  I have to be up and out the door by 7am to catch up with a contractor as well.  I better try and get -some- sleep.

Hello again Open Diary. Did you miss me?

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July 29, 2020

Hi. I’m Sam. 🙂

July 29, 2020

@sammybaby hi sam. Call me D.

July 29, 2020

@davionaceae Hey D. 🙂 ‘Sup?