
Umm yea so there’s a blizzard going on right now.. I live near boston.. well south of it.. but yea right now there’s about almost 2 FEET of snow out there.. sheesh.. i needed to go to the store today to :(, guess that’s not happeneing.

The wind is blowing everywhere about 40 miles an hour. Snow is heavy, but it’s weird in my driveway, in the back there’s a patch of land with no snow.. i can se the pavement… isn’t that strange. yes i know it is.

So i still have to study for midterms.. but now that i realiz there probably won’t be any school tomorrow.. i don’t wanna study anymore 🙁 wahh. Last year i remember i studies like crazy, and that’s all i remember. And now i’m here.. eating an orange, and complaining that i Should be studying… And it sucks.. when it’s for midterms or things like this.. i don’t have time to “memorize” any information, because there is so much so i just keep reading it over, and hope for the best that enough of it sunk in for the test.. it’s horrible, but i don’t know what else to do…

Well i’m gonna go finish my orange then start to study again 🙁

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Yeah I hate the snow grr.

Hellow! yes..strawberry jello is good..but lime is better!! hehe…I live in Nova Canada..and it’s like now up to 100cms i think…schools cancelled woot!!