Theme entry

I don’t know if this is my most memorable meal, but it is one of my favorites.  It was father’s day this year, and I was about 8 months pregnant with Abby.  We invited ourselves to Red Lobster with our best friend Robert and his parents.  That was a most wonderful meal.  We had a great conversation, with great company, and wonderful food.  I can’t normally eat a lot at one time, despite what my size is, and it got even worse when I was pregnant.  It felt like after three bites I was full, but that day wow, I ate so much I’m surprised I didn’t get sick.  I had an appetizer, a full steak, fries, tons of bread, desert, and probably 5 ice teas.  Robert’s parents finished eating a half hour before we did.  Then, Robert Thomas and myself went back to our apartment, sat for an hour until we could move normally again, then went swimming.  We swam for awhile, soaked in the hot tub, them not me at least since the books said no hot water and even though I was about ready to pop Thomas went ballistic if he caught me all the way in the hot tub, then sat out side the hot tub drying and talking about our lives and futures. 


I’m really going to miss Robert.

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September 30, 2006

Thanks for writing the theme entry this week.