Burning Bridges

I’ve spent years hunting, gathering
collecting twigs and carefully
crafting them together.
Bundle upon bundle,
layer after layer
tenaciously crafting a bridge to
span the gap of
previous pain and

For every inch I progressed,
half were knocked down by a
large gust of wind –
a temper tantrum –
a flash flood of emotion or tears

But the building continued.
Sometimes you’d help and start
carefully constructing a counter-bridge
on the opposite bank.
We’d smile and wave,
exchange pleasantries and toss
gifts and trinkets across the void.

I’ve watched that construction crumble.
I may have been imperfect – I know I was.
I wasn’t always present when needed.
I didn’t always know what to say
or how to say it.
I couldn’t be the cement to fill the gaps
and provide support adequately.

Ultimately, the choice was taken away from me
as far as the construction
but this choice is still mine.
I choose to set the ruins alight –
to set fire to the foundation and
watch it burn.
I’m done accepting responsibility for mistakes
that were anything but one sided.

Time and distance can move people apart
or bring them closer together.
This time, it worked against me and
removed the one constant I always expected.
I’ve accepted it. I expected it.
But now, I’m going to watch that bridge burn
and take comfort in the warmth of the blaze.

that was the last saving grace, and it’s gone now.
I’m done, and I cannot immagine a way back from this precipice.

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Maybe letting it burn is the only way you can really walk away and start constructing something beautiful & new?

Maybe letting it burn is the only way you can really walk away and start constructing something beautiful & new?

Sad poem what happened?

Sad poem what happened?