just a note, in continuation

You know, in a brief “debate” i had with another diarist on my last entry, one of the first questions i asked was “do you care whether or not what you believe is true?” Her answer was “of course” which, i feel was untrue – deliberately or not. If you believe, as she did, that the bible is the infallable, literally true, historically accurate word of god, then strive to defend it despite numerous actual proof otherwise and sum it all up with the standard agree to disagree dismissive statements, you are being dishonest. Its funny, even a lot of the clergy and church leadership no longer take that old, antiqated stance anymore.

You dont really care if its true or not you believe because you want to, whether its true or not. Its fundamentally disingenuous.

Its somewhat disheartening. I know exactly how and why i lost my faith – but so many “believers” dont know why or how they have theirs. Its sad that so many trade intelligence and logic for nothing more than fairy tales that not even their leaders believe in.

And dont tell me i wouldnt understand, just because you cannot come upvwith an answer to my points. Its silly. Just say you dont care for truth, and you dont know ghe answers and furthermore dont care what they are. It shuts down the discussion just as quickly.

I pity willful ignorance, but have no tolerance for blind faith without reason.

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March 11, 2012

It scares me how many parents rail against certain classes being taught and are now allowed to remove their children from these classes because they go against a fundamental belief of a religion. Shielding your child from knowledge and the ability to think/choose for themselves? Never seemed right to me.

March 11, 2012

It scares me how many parents rail against certain classes being taught and are now allowed to remove their children from these classes because they go against a fundamental belief of a religion. Shielding your child from knowledge and the ability to think/choose for themselves? Never seemed right to me.