Once More with Feeling

For anyone who has been reading my diary for a sufficient amount of time, you’re aware that my email was hacked twice. The first time was my former best friend, who did it in order to find damaging things I may have said about her to my then-girlfriend to use those comments against me. The second time, it was my ex-girlfriend, who was my current girlfriend at the time. She spent a significant amount of time railing against my former best friend for her actions, and had several rather harsh things to say about her – then went on to do the exact same thing by stealing my email password off of my desk during a visit, then holding onto it for several months and then finally using it to accuse me of cheating on her with someone that I hadn’t seen since high school who lived 3000 miles away. I still don’t understand how that one made any kind of sense whatsoever. I received notification today on my phone (since my email address is linked to it) that sign on was currently unavailable due to a security breach. I went online via the computer to figure out what was going on – only to find out that my account had been compromised. Hotmail has this lovely little feature that shows you where the last login attempt originated from, and, sure enough – it came from Texas – exactly where my ex girlfriend lives. Keep in mind that we have been happily separated for well over 2 years now. I am fed up to the extreme by this kind of juvenile, child-like behavior. It is not cool to stalk someone almost 3 years after YOU dumped THEM over something they never did at all. It is not cool to continually write about them in a derogatory manner, calling them all sorts of names and continuing accusations that you, at some level, have to realize are blatantly untrue. It is mind boggling to me that people can sufficiently lie to themselves enough that they start believing the lies – and start passing them off as truth.

A few things:
1) If you’re going to be as petty as to hack your ex’s email address, you may want try the email account that they actually use – not the one that catches all of their spam mail.
2) You may want to mask your location – if not your IP address
3) You may want to grow up and get over it.  Just sayin.

While I cannot prove that it was her, the fact that the hack originated from Texas and I know no one else in Texas is sufficient enough for me.  Add that to the fact that she’s admitted to doing it previously, and it’s the nail in the coffin.  Me and the ex don’t talk.  Not for over a year.  Ultimately, I told her not to contact me anymore.  I’m not interested in anything she has to say – and she has a rather profound history of these kinds of grade-school games when she doesn’t get her way.  We’re not in high school anymore, kiddos.  I have a life now that is better than i ever could have dreamed.  I have a wonderful new job.  I have a beautiful wife.  I have a wonderful life – and that’s more than sufficient for me.

In other news, the trial of the century concluded today, and the freedom of speech won out over a cry-baby.  Two radio djs in my local market have been in court for the last two weeks over what amounts to be a "hurt feelings" episode.  The whiny, crybaby MJ sued Bubba for calling him names on his radio show and hurting his teeny little midget feelings (he’s not a midget – he’s just short).  He then tried to blame bubba for the fact that he received negative emails, and was jeered in public.  Suck it up and get over it.  Seems to go with the theme, doesn’t it?

I think that’s all I have to say for now.  Another month bites the dust – and welcome to February.




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Hey there, missed you, been a while. Take care 🙂

Hey there, missed you, been a while. Take care 🙂