sound advice and a moment of clarity

“”Your problem is that you’re balancing this precious thing against the weight of what has come before. You know its different. You’re comparing storm tides to rainwater. They may be related or from similar sources but they are not the same. Stop thinking you can compare apples to caterpillars, get out of your own head and realize that you, right now, are living in the fairy tale that most people only dream of. Your dreams have come true little one, and every day you get validation and proof of it from those that know you best and the earth that keeps you grounded. Pay attention.

Why are you so worried about timing and intensity? Don’t you realize how LUCKY you are? So many people have to jump through so many hoops to receive a fraction of what you already have. They have to wait months or years or lifetimes – and the only time line you have to worry about is in your head. Sometimes when you know, you know. You know what your heart is telling you. This means you don’t have to waste time on incidentals. For some people, it takes months. Years. For others, it can happen in a single moment. That’s what your instinct, your subconscious and your brain are for. I trust you. I love you and you’ve grown into a wonderful little creature of reality and hope. Your dreams are real, Jules. Now have the courage to live them. I know you can. The most important thing, dreamer – remember you’re not alone. Ever. You’re allowed to be human. In fact, your humanity is one of your best qualities. Live it, believe it and go with faith. Enjoy every minute. Plan for a future while experiencing the gifts of the present. And just be free enough to live for every moment. Now shut your mouth, be grateful and accept happiness. Nature knows that if anyone deserves this, its you.

I of course mean all of this in the nicest possible way. “

The preceding message brought to you by your friendly age old mentor/supporter/druid Markus. This was the equivalent of me being kicked in the ass and told to wake up. Yep.

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