vulnerability and the culture of scarcity

Watch live streaming video from tedxkc at

I have so much going on in my head about this right now, and there’s so much I want to say, but as I’m at work at the moment, I don’t really have the time. There’s a lot I want to say about a lot of things, actually – and I’m kinda wanting to tell stories of my younger days, my childhood, some past experiences. I like being a storyteller at times. I guess we’ll see what comes.

Briefly, I was asked to be a guest speaker at the Thursday CODA group, which I had never been to before. I had 20 minutes in which to drive over there and prepare, and spoke for about an hour. After the meeting, going over to Maria’s house, we watched this video – and I was struck speechless by it. I’m still listening to it, and every time I do, I catch something important that I want to hold onto. It’s very true in so many ways for me, and for others that I know. I recomend it highly.

Perhaps i will be back later – I have some significant time to kill between the end of work and the beginning of game night at Spike’s best friend’s house. I’m sure I’ll be a ball of nerves. We shall see

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This is a terrific talk. ryn, no, I don’t mind, I’m flattered-

This is a terrific talk. ryn, no, I don’t mind, I’m flattered-