Corn pone is a lot better than it looks.

Well, it is if you like charred food, which apparently I do. I’d never had corn pone, although I’ve heard of it all my life, having been raised in the South.  It’s basically cornbread with nothing but cornmeal, a tiny bit of salt, a tiny bit of sugar (again, Southerner- apparently sweet cornbread is a Northern thing) and very hot water. Smushed all down and cooked on the top of the stove in a skillet. What possessed me to make corn pone, you might well ask?? I have no clue! I kind of wanted to make some soup, and kind of wanted some cornbread to go with it (which is hilarious, since I’d been a lifelong hater of cornbread until fairly recent years, when I discovered, to my shock, that cornbread is… good. ) I have no eggs so googled eggless cornbread and found this. Even better than eggless- it’s very simple and doesn’t take long.

But now I don’t want to bother with soup – also have no broth – and I’m going to cook a piece of frozen salmon which is a little odd with corn pone, but actually I’m not even hungry now, so whatEVER.

I am having a ridiculously lazy day – I can barely muster up enough energy to breathe, and if I didn’t know the reason I would be pretty certain that I’m coming down with something. Well, I may be coming down with something, I suppose, but it’s much more likely that I’m still in recovery from spending two days with my dad on top of extremely busy and stressful days at work the rest of the week. My dad had a doctor’s appointment with a retina specialist on Tuesday, which I’d planned a year ago to take him to, and then minor surgery – a bladder tube replacement, ewww- on Wednesday. My brother who lives beside him was planning to take him to the surgery and I was planning to come the week before for a day to take him to the pre-op appointment. But naturally it snowed last week and we had to switch off. Which meant I got the dreaded two-night visit (I live nearly two hours away).  My dad is a wonderful person, and I am very grateful that he’s still around for me to complain about (he’s 90) but… omg visits nearly kill me. He lives alone, and his mobility is terrible, so he can’t do a lot of things for himself so he saves up ten gazillion chores for me (yes, my brother lives beside him. And in a sideline story, he recently bought a not-cheap truck for my brother – there are many good and fair reasons for this and I won’t go into that now, but let’s just say I no longer feel guilty for the bulk of the appointments and emergency room trips falling on my brother, which is a nice perk for ME, and I also find myself thinking CAN TRUCK-BOY NOT DO THIS FOR YOU???? When I am at the end of my sanity.) He also can’t hear and doesn’t like wearing his hearing aids and THAT is massively annoying, and he tells the same stories over and over and OVER (and does not  have any other signs of memory loss – he just is insanely repetitive) and it’s basically grueling, for two days.

As a side note, his retina issues have not worsened and he came through the surgery with flying colors, so THAT’S good.

ANYHOW, I’ve kind of lost my train of thought here, how shocking! And I just wanted to make a quick (hahahaha!!!) entry to say, how exciting is it to see so many familiar and long-lost names?!? I’m also at Prosebox but am happy to have duel citizenship again. And maybe it will actually make me write often, like I did in the Old OD Days.

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January 28, 2018

I read corn pone being used as an insult in the book Hannibal. I often wondered exactly what it was

January 29, 2018

@williamthebloody I think corn pone historically is basically poor people food, so I’ll bet that’s why it was an insult. People ate it a lot in the South during our Civil War, when there wasn’t much food around, since all you really need is cornmeal and water. It’s actually not bad, but I wouldn’t want to live on it!

January 28, 2018

Whatsamatter with Dad’s retinas? I had retina problems when I was eleven. Nobody in my family had had retina problems but by the time Dad died at age 79 his retinas were worse than mine, so I have that to look forward to. He liked to say insanity was hereditary because you get it from your kids. He never said the same about retinas but it appeared that way.

January 29, 2018

@sleepygene He’s got macular degeneration, and it’s progressed to the state that it’s hard for him to read, although he can see fairly well otherwise and can still drive. I think it is hereditary, as I’ve been having retina issues for a number of years myself, and just got diagnosed last year with very mild macular degeneration. The kind that hopefully won’t get worse. I get fireworks-flashes in my eyes if I shut them hard in the dark (so I try not to do that) and occasionally see straight lines as wavy lines although weirdly that seems to only happen if I’m really tired/stressed. According to the eye doctor that shouldn’t come and go, but hey, I’m an anomaly!

Do you still have problems with yours?

January 29, 2018

@ednamillion Well, I haven’t needed an eye surgery for twenty some years but I’m pretty sure there is macular degeneration in my future, assuming I live much longer, which is the present trend.

January 29, 2018

@sleepygene Eat lots of greenery and antioxidants, take a good multivitamin, wear sunglasses, don’t smoke.. that’s what they told me. I am afraid I’m doomed since my grandmother on my mom’s side had it too, but I try not to worry, and I’ve memorized my cat’s faces in case the worst occurs!

January 28, 2018

I had a very lazy day too, recovering from spending Friday and Saterday at son’s house, taking care of the three grandkids. They are also adorable kids but oh my, I feel tired. I am also glad to be back on OD. It’s like returning home after a long journey. It feels and looks familiar.

January 29, 2018

@edelweis I don’t know how grandparents do it!! My brother and his wife take care of 8 year old twins and a five-year old routinely, and that would KILL me.

January 29, 2018

@ednamillion it kills me too ???? but I only realize that when I am back home and need a full day or longer to become alive again .

January 28, 2018

Ha! “Dual Citizenship,” I like that. 😀

January 28, 2018

That corn pone does not look appetizing. I made corn bread last week – I use coconut cream instead of milk and oil. It’s really good. Yeah, if dad can buy trucks, he can hire someone for the honey-do chores. I’m hoping to write better, too. I used to write some pretty good stuff back at the start of my diary.

January 29, 2018

@bonnierose I bet coconut cream is delicious – I’ve used buttermilk, and that’s good too. I thought I hated cornbread until I was probably in my 30s. My mom used to make it a lot, and I wish I’d gotten her recipe when she was still among us, although since she used buttermilk and didn’t use sugar, I think what I’ve made is pretty close. The corn pone was, bizarrely, pretty good for flat burned cornbread.

January 28, 2018

I believe the best tasting cornbread was when I lived in West Virginia, in a hospital no less, which is amazing since most hospital food isn’t that good, or so I’ve heard. Corn pone looks like a different animal altogether.

January 29, 2018

@rebeccaann Corn pone is like flat, seared cornbread – it’s definitely not as good as the real thing, but was a fun experiment!

January 29, 2018

Dude. Am I really reading an edna million OD entry right now? Have I time travelled?

January 29, 2018

@josephineroberto !!! How weird IS this?!? It is very like time travel, in a good way!