
Students. Who think you are graduating in May. But have received an email outlining a whole bunch of graduation shortages and now feel it necessary to call my office in a complete and total panicky/melty/breakdown

 You know what’s NOT going to help? Shouting at me! Telling me that you can not believe how incompetent our office is because we show you short a specific class for your minor! When you took a whole other class and somebody somewhere said that was okay!!!!!

You know what else is not going to help? Continuing to rant and rave at me as I attempt, with admirable restraint, to let you know that if "somebody somewhere" said that class was okay, just get "somebody somewhere" to shoot me an email telling ME it’s okay, because tragic as it is, I do not as yet have that Amazing Superpower which enables me to peer into the brains of all the somebody somewheres who populate this university and determine what they each said to who. 

 Do you know what else is not going to help? Your reaction when I finally get a word in sideways and tell you to PLEASE calm the fuck down because this REALLY is NOT a big deal at ALL if an advisor in that department told you this other class will be okay to take. And all your dumb melodramatic overreacting ass has  you have to do is just get them to send me a memo. It will be okay!!  Your reaction when I have told you all this in my nice soothing "calming-down-the-crazy-fucker" voice.  Not going to help to continue to rant and rave about our incompetent office who DID NOT LIST THIS REQUIRED CLASS ON THE GRADUATION AUDIT!!!!! 

Because, duuude, know what I’ve got right in front of me? Your graduation audit. Which lists that course you did not take and does not list that course you did take, as plain as the froth on your ranting face. 

Seriously. You will BE OKAY. Well, you’ll be okay as long as that "somebody somewhere" is in fact in the department where your minor is housed. And is not, oh, your roommate. Judging by this hysterical fit, though, I’m starting to think…. maybe you did not obtain this permission from someone who actually has the power to grant you a substitution. In which case you are an idiot and you took a random course without getting it approved and you are not going to graduate! Yippie!!! 

Dear Professors. Who send weird random memos of approval. Weirdly and randomly.

You’re subbing an Intro to Film class, which is a General Education Humanities course, for a third-year major printing course?? And you’re subbing whatever random transfer courses the student has that aren’t fitting in elsewhere- like Intro to Philosophy — as Tech Electives???? 

And for this other guy, you are pretty much subbing every single course on his checksheet for some other course he’s had that is not specifically on his checksheet??


 Could that not possibly be seen as, oh, compromising the integrity of our programs? Just a tad?

 Lucky for you I do not have the power to question these things, as it is all at the discretion of the department. 

 Also, please look to see what the student has actually taken before sending me a memo full of classes they have not ever taken at all. 

Dear Registrar’s Office Graduation Unit, 

 OMG. Where do I even begin?????

Maybe with the weekly graduation update lists, in which students who have applied for graduation appear and disappear and appear again as if you are performing bizarre and not-at-all-amusing magic tricks! 

Or, how about the way that students who have two majors suddenly and without any warning at all can now graduate in separate semesters with their separate majors? When that’s something that has never been allowed in all the time any of us in MY office have been here. Pretty much making that something that has NEVER BEEN ALLOWED. 

And we all especially love how these students are showing up on ALL the lists for ALL the semesters they have applied for ALL their majors and there is no way to determine which major is for which semester and it is even more insane and complicated than this but would be much too convoluted and incomprehensible to explain here, but trust me, this is now Officially A Nightmare. 

When you make massive changes, Graduation Unit, it would be very very VERY VERY helpful to inform everyone who is massively affected by these massive changes ahead of time. So they do not find themselves suddenly drowning in a Brew of Swirling Madness with no warning. 

PS. There is a reason everyone in that office is quitting. Seriously. There is. 

PSS. I am SO SO SO GLAD I did not get that job over there 2 years ago. I’d be right in the middle of this and I’d be quitting too. Or having a nervous breakdown. Which is what everyone who ISN’T quitting is doing. 

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I used to do Graduations for a UK university – I love these entries of yours 🙂 (Mainly because I don’t have to do this kind of stuff anymore, woo!)

April 25, 2013

OK…don’t hate me, but I laughed ’til I peed my panties…and just think, when you guys get through with some of them, some school administrator hires their dumb butts to teach the youth and future of America and same said admin. is too chickenshit to not give them tenure and so it goes…life is a cabaret my friend…

April 25, 2013

OMG. You must have to wear a helmet so you don’t pull your hair out or do major damage when you must bang your head on your desk.

Blehhhhh. RYN: More blehhhh. When I had the mandatory interview for a KFC job, the guy there told me one of the staff dropped their mobile phone in the boiler that does the… *checks your location*… French fries, and put their hand in after it. Skin melted a bit…

April 25, 2013

**pours edna a good stiff drink** Hang in there. It’s all over in a month, yes? Stay focused on that. **HUGS**

OMG> I have seen a very small version of this and it wasn’t alll that funny. Your account is, but I have deep compassion for all of you.

April 25, 2013

Reality time for the students. Have another glass of wine time for Edna!

It’s not funny…. but yet it is SO funny! You have the patience of a saint!

Didn’t you post something along these lines last graduation season?

April 25, 2013

Heh. Close your eyes and think of England.

April 25, 2013

At least none of their mothers called to tell you how incompetent you are. 🙂 I was called incompetent today to must be going around.

I’d be checking and rechecking if I was graduating….what a minute….I did and had no issues! You might eventually swear on the phone. You can claim that you were just ‘subbing in’

April 26, 2013

The future leaders of this country….scare me!

April 26, 2013

So glad I’m out of that mess. For graduation here? I do nothing. Show up in my hood.

April 26, 2013

You didn’t miss it – I kept it draft until I could finish it and by then it was out of order. Internet connectivity is expensive and you have to buy it in prepaid lots so it’s complicated. We take a lot for granted.

Had to LOL at the person who said the magic words “…at least a parent hasn’t called you yet.” YET being the operative word…this is just the beginning of the madness. Enjoy some wine, chocolate, Netflix, and reading this weekend. You deserve it!

I know this is not fun to live, but it is very funny to read.

April 27, 2013

Oh, it’s that time of year, is it? Would a nice cup of herbal tea help? Or would you like a virtual shoulder massage? Or maybe I should just shout back at them for you. They can’t hear me. For the record, this is very funny writing. I used to work in a tertiary institution. It all makes total sense to me!

April 30, 2013

Geez, and here I was moping about that big galoot Rough, when you’re dealing with the virtual fall of Western Civilization, here! (And I’m only partly joking!!!) I honestly think I should hire you to write a nice little riff off Rough, to tell him off without resorting to get-me-fired-in-15-minutes language. Meanwhile, with what’s going on with this job of yours, I sure hope you can maintain yoursanity, because it appears that a good portion of the faculty, etc, has lost its mind! But srsly, ryn, wow! That was VERY helpful, Edna! I’m going to go look for those thingamabobs, tomorrow! It’s funny, because another fave left a private note outlining a similar plan, only instead of stickies, she suggested warm soapy water near a tiny light… only I was grasping at straws to come up with a viable way to keep out the cat AND the dog. The contraptions you mentioned sound much easier and potentially more effective, so… wish me luck finding them!

May 3, 2013

I am late to this because I am working so much overtime in my own crazy job I can’t get over to read about yours. It probably doesn’t help, but my B-I-L is going through similar stuff with crazed foreign students absolutely panicked because other professors (who don’t apparently live on this planet) told them it was okay to substitute bizarre classes and cannot be found and they have tograduate or they are going to die. He has one class that is half full of Chinese students that do not speak English and the other half is the baseball team. 🙂

May 3, 2013

I think we are in need of a Doctor.

May 20, 2013

Hilarious as ever. Even though I fear for your sanity in that place.