Alternate Title: SwordfishT is headed straight for hell.

I certainly hope I’m right about there not being any such thing, because if there is, well, I’m careening madly right for it.

I decided this weekend to go on the trip to Las Vegas, since it’s paid for, I’ve never been, it’s a trip and I LOVE trips, and I’m sure I’ll not have another chance to go in this lifetime. It’s not high on my list of places to visit, and Baker B doesn’t care a thing about it, so it’s pretty unlikely I’ll get another opportunity. And I’m really trying to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves and not be such a wimp about things. I’d also been thinking recently that I’d love to go somewhere completely different – I haven’t been anywhere more exotic than Charleston in years, and it’s like a second home we go so often. So, it’s not too exotic either.

And, ta da! I am presented with a chance to go somewhere TOTALLY different. I used to get the chance to travel a bit in my last job, but haven’t been anywhere but Raleigh with this one. Which isn’t really on anybody’s list of Hot Fun Exciting Destinations. So, basically, I figured, why not??

The room situation was my biggest why not, since I’m neurotic and a privacy freak and need my space or I get all weird and unhinged. But I figured that for three days, it wouldn’t kill me to share. Maybe. It might be good for me, as I seem to get more peculiar the more years I spend doing exactly what I please. So I told the Dean’s Ass’t today that I will indeed be going on the trip.

And I told her that if there is an uneven number of people, it might be a good idea if I got the extra room to myself, because…..

I snore. Yes, it’s SO embarrassing, I tell her, but I snore. And I certainly would never want to keep my poor roommate awake for three nights while I’m snoring like a lumberjack.

And a few minutes later she comes back telling me there are five people who are going, and I get the room alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the reason why I’m doomed if it turns out there’s a hell after all, because I’m always doing things like this, and I always end up getting my way. With practically no effort on my part. I don’t snore, I’m just neurotic!!!! And a liar!!! I’d considered doing this anyhow, then Noko left me a note saying her sister has had very good luck with the Fake Snore Tactic in getting her own room, so I figured, why not give it a shot? The worst thing that could happen is that there wouldn’t be an uneven number of people and I’d end up sharing a room with someone and I wouldn’t snore and they’d know I was a neurotic, antisocial liar.

So, looks like I’m headed to Vegas in mid-October. New York is still up in the air – it’s the first Saturday in October, which conflicts with the Oz Festival, and Baker B will under no circumstances miss the Oz Festival. Not even for a trip to New York. So that may be out, unless his boss wants him to go badly enough to do it another time. New York is at least on the same coast as us, so it’s not somewhere I’ll never ever get a chance to go to again, even though I haven’t been in, oh, twenty years. I’d rather go there, but I’ll take what I can get.

And now it’s time to go home, hooray!

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August 8, 2005

You make me smile. RYN: That is wonderful news 🙂

August 8, 2005

An adventure! Too cool. Wow and only eight weeks away. Yay.

When someone says, “but you didn’t snore!” Just say, “I KNOW! I was up all night worrying about your sleep. I’m exhausted and may have to miss this morning’s meetings.” That ought to work.

So funny.

August 8, 2005

You snore, too funny. You are just too clever. I girgle, wheeze and snore, I could have used that as an excuse. And you should travel to Wisconsin, really, it’s different and exotic, really it is! LOL 🙂

August 8, 2005

Well, if Hell is the place for liars with privacy issues, I’ll see you there.

August 9, 2005

BEWARE EVIL DOERS, WHERE EVER YOU ARE…YOU’VE MET YOUR MATCH..RIGHT HERE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! you absolutely crack me up to no end!!! i say, you’re not going to hell. i say more power to you. you’re so funny!

August 9, 2005

Sounds like a great trip. Thanks for your support on my mother. Every time I tell her that she has already told me something about 3 times she responds that we’re trying to make her think she’s crazy. Her mother, 2 of her sisters and her brother all had alzheimers, but she refuses to admit she could have a problem. She won’t even take the test. Have a great trip!

August 10, 2005

I hate sharing a room with anyone I am NOT sleeping with (so there, I said it).

August 13, 2005

My brother & his wife visited Las Vegas a few years ago & were blown away by the sheer scale of everything. It’s not their kind of place at all & they don’t gamble or anything but they loved it & would go back. I would have done exactly the same to get a room of my own – I don’t actually think I’d be brave enough to share a room now – I’d hate it so much it would spoil wherever I was but just

August 13, 2005

in case I ever need it I’ll keep the snoring excuse handy! If you ever get found out all you have to do is say you thought you’d try some of the snoring remedies on the market because you felt so awful about snoring & disturbing your roomate so obviously (the remedy) has worked – that’s great & you’re so pleased!!

August 13, 2005

Yes I think we’re both going to hell – I’ll see you down there!

August 15, 2005

Oh, I wouldn’t even go on a trip if I had to share rooms. I’m just not ready for that. And I do snore. The Breathe-Right strips usually work.