rain and some not-so-old photos

It’s pouring out there. I planned to spend the day working in the yard, doing stuff like, oh, raking up the gravel that is still scattered all over the place from the Three Ton Gravel Pile we bought for the french drain in December, and raking up the debris from around the fence that’s been collecting all winter, and getting the additional debris out of the "garden" just in case anything springlike might be trying to emerge. Oh, and doing something about the huge mounds of dirt that are also left over from the Great French Drain Project. And are just sitting in front of the house so we look even more like the creepy neighborhood hobos than we normally do. 

Since it rained all day – or at least threatened to rain all morning and then rained buckets later in the day and is still doing some major pouring at nearly 1 AM – I didn’t get any yard de-crazifying done. But I did manage one major accomplishment — I bought azaleas! I’ve wanted azaleas for years and years, first to replace our tremendously ratty rhododendrons in front of the house which were breathtaking during the week or so they bloomed every year and looked like plague victims during the other 50 or 51 weeks. Since I never did manage to dig them up in the previous nine years we’ve been here ("but they’re SO pretty when they bloom! And I’m SO lazy!") I was kind of happy that we were forced to dig them up when we put in the french drain. Along with the huge creepy house-obscuring  "yes-we-really-ARE-serial-killers!" hemlock. Which was, incidentally, the only hemlock in this state that is not dying of disease, and is the only one I really wished WOULD die.  

So now we have absolutely nothing in front of the house, so I went to look at azaleas today. At Lowes, which is probably not the best place, but the local garden center which IS the best place is very expensive. I know exactly nothing about azaleas other than they are beautiful when they bloom, so I was quite taken aback to find that the azalea care tags all said they need mostly shade and morning sun, which is the complete opposite of what they’d be getting where I’m putting them. So I thought, well, maybe I could just get some more rhododendrons. They ARE gorgeous when they bloom. And their tags said the exact same thing. Which may explain why ours aways looked so awful when they weren’t blooming. Well, they looked awful when they were blooming too, but you didn’t notice it as much because the blooms distracted you. (Incidentally, our neighborhood is FULL of rhododendrons. It’s like RhododendronWorld here. But they are mostly in the shade. Our house is just about the only one that gets any sun in the front yard at all.)

To get to the point, I finally stumbled upon some azaleas that were apparently a different kind from all the others – they like afternoon sun! And some shade too, which they’ll get in the morning. And, best of all – they bloom spring, summer, AND fall – not just spring like the rest of them. Which was quite exciting, since I was regretting that they it was probably already too late for them to bloom this year. Despite the fact that it could – and probably will – still freeze again. So I bought six, and maybe tomorrow it will quit raining long enough to plant them. And maybe I can actually keep them alive. Oh, they get really big, too – four feet tall and four feet wide.

So it was a sort of productive day. And at least I have six azaleas sitting in the yard as if to say, "Look!!! We’re making an effort!!!"

Ok, here’s a picture from two springs ago of the poor blighted rhododendrons:

Well, two pictures. Just to illustrate how beautifully they bloomed. Without the blooms, they were the rattiest things ever. We put the french drain in right where they are. It’s heartening to see these pictures – we cut the poor things down after they bloomed in mid-May last year, and I didn’t even bother with putting anything in the window boxes or the hanging baskets because the ditch was so deep I couldn’t get to them. And of course I never dreamed that the whole french drain experience would drag on until DECEMBER. Although of course I should have assumed that it would, since we are never people who get anything done in a speedy manner. Anyhow, the front of our house has been bare and dreary for nearly a year.

I am happy to announce that we are finally, finally FINALLY seeing some blooming things here! The forsythia is starting to bloom, which makes me very happy because my forsythia usually gets killed. It always has a gazillion blooms just on the verge of coming out, and then we get a freeze and it kills them. This year I think it’s actually going to make it – it’s supposed to be in the sixties all next week.

This is not the best picture – I didn’t take time to switch to the macro lens because it was just about to start raining. But it’s blooming! It actually looks better at this smaller size – not so blurry.

On a good year it’s loaded down with flowers. I think this will be a good year – it looks kind of scruffy because it’s just starting to bloom. This is my Garganto Forsythia – you can’t really tell from the picture how huge it is, but it’s probably 7 feet tall and is much wider than it looks here.

And to end on – the cutest kittens ever! Who are starting to look not a whole lot like kittens anymore –

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April 5, 2008

I had to look hard at the kittens, it looked like siamese kittens and I don’t mean the breed, I mean the co-joined twins like joined at the head.

April 6, 2008

I remember how beautiful the azaleas and rhododendrons were when we lived in NC. Spring is always a beautiful time, but especially so in your area.

April 6, 2008

What variety are those ? It sounds like I should get some of those…Nice pictures !!!

April 6, 2008

the weather has frustrated my attempts at gardening for the last couple of years…..

it is supposed to go to 80 here today. and it never rains. sigh.

April 6, 2008

Awww, that last one made me miss my kitties.

April 6, 2008

Wishing you most excellent azalea karma!

I have to get out and do some yard work myself. Sideler’s back is still healing and Kyle is too carefree (lazy) to care about yard work unless he’s being paid. hehe I’d like to plant more bushes and perennials, but perennials are soooo expensive! I suppose they are worth it since they continue to come back and spread. Lovely kitty pics! INDOOR kitty pics thank goodness. Where’s Stella?

April 6, 2008

Okay. I have to admit, I love the quotes around, “garden.” Ha! And I’ll trade you my weanie annoying little azalea for your rhodos, any day, friend! We got andromeda bushes. Wimpy flowers, but they stay green all winter without being hews or hemlocks. (I hate traditional evergreens right next to the house.) Still a nice shot of the forsythia. Man, did you have to have an entrywith such difficult spellings? I’m going to have to have more coffee!! *GRINS* JK

April 6, 2008

What lovely blooms on your blighted rhodedendron. Those several season blooming azaleas sound great. They won’t grow in my yard without lots of work adjusting the pH or something fancy I haven’t figured out yet. Every time I plant them they die. I look at my neighbor’s with envy. Love the forsythia too, the wild rangy look. BD is kicking me off the computer. BYE!

April 6, 2008

Oh Eddie is getting big! This must have just happened in the last week. Once I had a Great Dane puppy and she grew so fast she would get stuck places she used to fit. How exciting about the azaleas. Seriously. They are soooo beautiful. Along with XD’s wishes for good karma, I’ll add may they live long and prosper. Bloomwise, of course. Your Garganto Forsythia is way cool.

April 6, 2008

Ooh I love azaleas, Im so gonna miss my yard this spring. I loved “gardening”. Yeah your forsythia is about to bust through that fence.

April 6, 2008

In my ongoing battle to outlaw hostas from every yard in the known universe, I have dug up the horrid beasts from my new yard. My hosta eradication efforts were successful, and now I can plant things that are actually beautiful. So, I feel your rhododendron pain. Nothing is blooming here yet. Sometime in the distant future, spring will get to Illinois. I dream of that day.

April 6, 2008

the flowers are beautiful!

April 7, 2008

everything is, of course, blooming here. i like azaleas.

April 7, 2008

Cute kittens. Looking forward to seeing a pic of the new plants blooming.

Rhododendrons are such beautiful bush flowers. My son’s band is selling bedding plants at the moment for a fund raiser. They are cheap but we are way too far away. We have no garden beside grass. The growing season is very short here.

beautiful pics, so nice they make my nose itch!! (I have allergies!)

April 8, 2008

Beautiful! And don’t forget, roses love sunshine. And they’re relatively easy to grow.

April 8, 2008

beautiful pictures. =] xoxo.

RYN: I’m certain that Stella is the Queen in your home, deservedly so. Remember to use old sheets to cover the Azaleas and not plastic or they’ll freeze. Emily is biting my wrist while I type. Well, it’s more of her really just putting her teeth around my wrist and gently holding them there. there’s no pressure whatsoever, but she’ll keep this up till I pet her! No, I have not spoiled herat all. Do you two have a fun trip planned? You know, if you ever make it here, I can tell you all the best photo spots!

April 10, 2008

ryn: it seems to be so much harder for the ones left behind who continue to live. letting go of someone is hard, no doubt. my youngest cousin is really in bad shape. she’s 40 and not that young, but she feels like she’ll be alone, and she has two children. the nature of living includes dying, and yet it’s still felt like a kick to the head.

April 10, 2008

RYN; Thank you. I think I’m making the right decision. =] xoxo.

April 10, 2008

i just realized we are all like your poor blighted rhododendrons. when we least expect it we get yanked from our roots.