the arctic is no respecter of fashion

Oh, look, I am ….making an entry. OMG! Out of boredom, but whatever it takes. Boredom isn’t something I often experience, but I am at work and what I am doing – and have been doing for what seems like fifteen years but in reality is probably two weeks — is driving me round the bend. Seniors. Graduation. Clearing them. And really it is NOT that bad, and using our shiny new audit program makes it both easier and less tedious, but…. I have a very low threshold for doing the same thing over and over and over. And over and over. And Mr. Organized is off on a cruise in the Caribbean and Miss Artsy seems to just be fiddling around because she’s gotten VERY few clearances done all week and Aggravation Receptionist is definitely doing nothing but playing online, which is pretty much all she ever does and since she selected the most enormous desk in the entire universe and it’s plonked right in front of my door where I basically have to crawl over it every time I go out, I have a clear view of all the work she isn’t doing all day long. 

So yes, yes I DO feel irritated and misused and annoyed! And I’m going to write an OD entry dammitall, because I am tired of working, especially when nobody else is!

Not that I have anything to say, of course. 

So I’ll share my latest obsession.  An obsession shared by Baker B. Naturally it’s another British show, one which I’d vaguely heard of ages ago, but never could figure out exactly what it was about. I STILL can’t figure out what it’s about, but now I don’t care. I’m not sure how we’ve gone so long without ever watching The Mighty Boosh, but we’re making up for it now. It is …. impossible to explain. It’s kind of a completely insane kid’s show for adults. Very very surreal and hysterically funny and totally addictive. We kind of stumbled on it because several clever souls suggested we watch The It Crowd. One of the main IT Crowd characters (Moss)  is in The Mighty Boosh, in a minor role. One of the minor characters in The IT Crowd (Richmond the Goth who lives in the basement) is Noel Fielding, who writes and stars in The Mighty Boosh. He and Julian Barrett, the other writer, are zookeepers (in the first series, at least). Who end up in places like the Arctic Circle with very little explanation. 

There’s a lot of bizarre spontaneous singing. (This video is actually quite appropriate given our nasty horrible icy weather that’s gone on for WEEKS now. We’ve been going around chanting "ICE FLOW, nowhere to go! ICE FLOW, nowhere to go!!) (I think it should really be ice floe, but even the BBC clip says "flow" so who am I to argue)

(as always, hit refresh if the videos don’t show. As always, I don’t know what is up with that)

"Never take the tundra lightly." 

As we got hooked on The Mighty Boosh, we also discovered that Noel Fielding has a new show of his own. An even stranger, even more surreal show.


This may be the most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen in my life, and the first episode would never make it to the air if it were a US show. It’s so weird that I’m a little surprised – but very pleased- to read that they’re making a second season. It’s even more impossible to describe than the Mighty Boosh. Noel Fielding lives in a treehouse. Above a tank that contains a stingray? maybe? who is a record label producer. He has an Andy Warhol robot doing his housework, and an anteater who is his butler (and is his real-life brother; who is also a shaman in The Mighty Boosh. Which is named after his big curly hair as a child, which a Spanish-speaking friend called a mighty boosh.) It is full of things like this:

It’s kind of like the child of Monty Python and PeeWee’s Playhouse on LSD. 

I will confess that I now have a HUGE crush on Noel Fielding. It’s okay, though, because Baker B has a huge crush on him too. 

And now I really have to get back to work. I have been the WORST OD FRIEND EVER and I SWEAR I will catch up. One day. When I run out of Mighty Boosh and Luxury Comedy clips on YouTube. 

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That last one kind of freaked me out. You’re so funny! Hope you’re weathering the weather. We’ve got clear skies here, and I am forever grateful not to be back at “old Army Post”, where, as predicted, they get cold rain when everyone else gets snow snow swow.

i would suggest that you bribe your desk children.

I think the island episode with Milky Joe and the coconuts is my fave 😉

March 7, 2013

So here’s my rhetorical question, after watching this Britsh wackiness… why IS it that ALL the fascinating shows are BRITISH? Have we NO American talent? (Apparently not… )

March 8, 2013

You and Baker B crack me up. Good luck with the Senior Clearing.

March 8, 2013

Hmmm, I think flow means “continuity” as opposed to “floating ice” aka floe. So I agree with “flow.” 🙂

March 8, 2013

omg, i can’t even watch those videos because if i get started i will never stoooop! so i will re-visit them when i have more time.

March 8, 2013

New obsessions are great. Sorry work has been so annoying. Work sucks.

March 8, 2013

You must be having some pretty strange dreams, what with all that cruddy weather and the repetitive nature of work and all these wildly colorful shows. I like how they got lizard and blizzard to rhyme in that first clip.

March 10, 2013

ryn: hi! writing network?

March 11, 2013

Cool! I’ll have to come back and really explore these when I have more time – but the first one was great.