You’re Obsessed With Elves If…

You have taken to wandering the woods near your home.
You have attempted to sleep in a tree.
You made it through the night.
You have let your hair grow down to your waist.
You pull on your ears every day in an attempt to make them pointy.
You have succeeded.
Your have made lembas, and have spent countless hours searching for the true recipe.
Your mother is getting worried because you have gone on a lembas diet claiming that one bite will fill your stomach for hours.
You have learned Sindarin. And Quenya. And Telerin. And Eldarin…
You have spent hours mixing concoctions with the hope that one of them will make you immortal.
You have a particular fondness for anything that grows, and will throw a fit if anyone so much as steps on a flower.
You are outraged if anyone dares to confuse Legolas and Haldir.
You get into lengthy discussions about the changes made in the movies concerning elves. "It was Glorfindel that took Frodo to Rivendell! NOT Arwen!" How could they…

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I was thinking to myself, “why is this up here?” Then looked at your picture haha.