Life In High School.

Although I’ve only been in high school for a couple of weeks, I can tell you it isn’t like primary school, you get tons of homework, you may find it difficult to make friends, but from my own experiences, you’ll find it easier. Trust me, there’s nothing to worry about, yeah sure, you may get little assessments, but you don’t get your GCSE’S until Year 11, to be perfectly honest, high school is probably the best time because the friends you make or groups you join will be your friends forever and you’ll be in contact with them for the rest of your life, there are plenty of clubs to join such as: sport, cooking, gardening and lots more! If there are Year Sixes that use Open Diary, read this and you won’t feel so scared about high school anymore, trust me, you’re NOT alone. Also, if ANYONE tries to bully you, stand up for yourself and they won’t do it again, or if they continue bullying you, tell your headteacher. Homework is only for your education so you have got to do it, there’s no way around it. If you ever feel sick in class, tell your teacher, it’s really important. I also read up about this just before I started high school, you can’t go on holiday unless someone’s died or for a special occasion, but other than that, you can’t go on holiday unless it’s during spring, summer, autumn or winter break.

Please don’t worry about high school, Year Sixes, you’re going to have a great time, cherish memories with your friends in high school, because when you get a job, you’ll wish you’d be back in high school, also cherish memories with your friends in primary school, because you probably will see them again, but if you aren’t going to the same high school, please do cherish memories with them, because you never know when you’ll see them again. Have fun in high school and don’t worry about the bullies! Stand up for yourself!

From EmilyGL!

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