~*39 It’s been awhile

So my junior year is coming to an end. It’s really scary. I’m almost an adult for real! Actually, I finally turned 21 last month. It’s been weird.

Lately I’ve been pulling like freshman year Emily stunts. I’m getting way too drunk and I don’t know why. Last Friday, I absolutely blew up at Dana telling her she didn’t appreciate me and that I was constantly doing her favors and getting nothing in return. Oops.

On another note, Dawn has completely stopped trying to get in contact with me. I hate bitches who forget they have friends as soon as there’s a new man in their life. She didn’t even call me on my birthday, or the week of my birthday, or the week after that. It kind of hurts my feelings.

I’ve recently gotten into the show Lost too. Bad news. I always look for something I can get addicted to that will let me procrastinate during finals week. I watched all 67 or so episodes in a week and a half.

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