Oh Sweet Relief!

I am previously BROOKELYN’SMOMMY
I figured that, these days, since I’m SO much more than just her mother, I should probably consider a name change, which has brought me to “Esoterika”….

adjective: esoteric
intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.
“esoteric philosophical debates”

Aaaaand, I am Erika.

So, that seems to be a pretty solid fit. Here I am.
Moving on.
I have to admit, typing in the ol’ Open Diary website, felt like home… now that I’ve jumped through the hoops and have my safe space back, I literally have a THOUSAND things to write about! As much as I enjoy Facebook, I adore the anonymity that comes with spilling my guts, frustrations, hopes and dreams for a bunch of strangers here. 🙂 Sweet relief I tell ya!
I don’t know if this new launch will find me reconnected to old friends; I hope a few of them find me in their travels, but I am looking forward to new connections too. I’ve made some incredible friends through my previous OD journeys, and I hope that I’m able to make some awesome new friends too….

So, lots has happened since the end of OD and the relaunch… Unfortunately, today only allows me a fraction of the time I’d LIKE to have in order to update everyone… Here’s the cliffs notes version.

-Chad and I are no longer together. We have separated as of March 2017, as per MY wishes. It is the best thing I’ve ever done. WE function MUCH better as friends, co parent MUCH better, and I think we’re both just genuinely happy with the split.
-Brookelyn is 15. Yeah. FIFTEEN. She was just over a year when I started my original diary. She is in 10th grade, she is beautiful, smart, kind and talented. She loves to dance… She’s just an amazing kid all the way around.
-Evan is 9. That makes my heart skip- I don’t even know when my BABY got so big. He’s a sweet heart, and a momma’s boy, through and through, but he DOES struggle with some behavioural issues. (He was diagnosed with Oppositional Defiancy Disorder three years ago). We’re currently on a video game ban in our house that may or may not be the death of me.
-Dan, Brookelyn’s sperm donor, has been completely out of the picture for the last four years or so. He’s a moron, and I know she is significantly better off without him, but I know that it effects her. I hate him. Like, truly. *sigh*
-I launched my own business about a year and a half ago, and so far, things have been going moderately well. I’m still working at the 7-eleven (almost 2 years now) and I’m also babysitting on the side. I’m pretty friggen busy these days…

All righty then.
I can’t wait to take some time to peruse the diaries on the front page and see if I can find some long lost friends!!!

We’ll talk soon OD crew!

<3 Erika
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January 26, 2018

I like your new name, welcome back!

January 26, 2018

@thediarymaster THANK you so much for the reboot! I can’t wait to really exercise my brain again!

January 26, 2018

Dig the new name. 🙂 Welcome back!

January 26, 2018

I like the new user name. Welcome back.

January 30, 2018

Eek <3 I am so excited to see you on here!