Off Topic #1

Why don’t you try learning about yourself and the world around you instead of pushing your fear onto others? I know it’s scary. I used to be like you. Here is truth: If you face it, whatever it is that troubles you, you will have two options; stay and work through it, or let it go. Either way, I can promise you that you’ll be better off. It is the lingering presence of unnamed fear that spawns insecurity and discomfort – the roots of anger, jealousy, envy, greed, hate. Your prejudices are walls that only imprison YOU; they don’t affect anyone else unless THEY allow it. You have NO control over others without their permission. Do not trespass on the souls of others. Wait until they invite you in or leave them be. If you find that no one is inviting you in, perhaps it is time to look inward and change the ugly things about you. We all have ugliness in our hearts – Christians call it SIN.

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