where does all this fucking entitlement come from?

i have been trying for over a month to re-do the schedule for my staff at my job. it has been immensely difficult and annoying. i messaged my team and asked if they had anything they would like to request for the schedule. half of them said nothing. two of them requested to keep their tuesdays off. and one of them, who only works 4 days a week, basically said nothing.

as a bit of back story, one of my workers had basically a complete mental breakdown and wound up committed and then, as soon as she was out of the hospital, she went into rehab for alcohol abuse. she had only been with us about 6 months when this occurred, and the practice manager stuck her neck out for her to guarantee her job would be saved. this meant we couldn’t replace her (which, don’t get me wrong, was the right thing to do!), but this left us short staffed, which led to a lot of burnout, and has left everyone with negative feelings and a bad taste in their mouths.

this issue is exacerbated by the fact that the corporation that co-owns the practice are complete fucks who keep jacking up our prices while not giving anyone a reasonable cost of living adjustment. there had been talk that they would during this review and raise period, but they decided not to because everyone working here was given too high of scores and they “hadn’t budgeted” for so much. fucking cunts.

now, no one has complained louder than the woman who was away for two months, because she was dissatisfied with her raise and thinks she should be given special consideration as she is reacclimating to work and being back in the world. which i agree with to some extent, but her attitude has been increasingly ugly, and she is spreading dissention and sowing further discontent, usually over small things. to be more specific, she was angry that the impending snow storm earlier this week (that honestly wound up to be kiiiiinda a dud) didn’t cause the practice to declare a delayed opening the night before, has been trying to make me mad that my practice manager (i.e., my boss) went over my head, and a plethora of other small things. it strikes me as manipulative and i really hate it.

on top of this, one of my subordinates has an fmla agreement, and periodically calls out or shows up late, which just adds to the mounting frustration of everyone here because, thanks to her, whether or not we’ll be fully staffed any given day is basically a crapshoot. and this adds to the anxiety and annoyance of everyone involved. granted, i know that she has a legitimate, legally protected reason to miss work – but there’s no legal mandate in existence which can force people to have no resentment.

so, we’re all over-worked, we’re all underpaid, and the place feels like a powder keg. this is the environment in which i am trying to create a new schedule. people who have said they were flexible have proven themselves to be anything but. and no one is happy. one of them has a 4-day weekend twice a month and she has the gall to be annoyed by some changes, even though i did everything i could to maintain that for her. i get that everyone is annoyed, but this is a full-time job, everyone should be working 35 hours, 5 days a week. and if anything changes even a little bit, they get mad. my boss thinks i shouldn’t try so hard to make everyone happy, but everyone is so unhappy because of, well, everything that i want to do what a can to give them something. but that’s not enough, and there isn’t much else i can do.

basically what i’m saying is, i hate my job lol.

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