been looking at it all wrong

It’s all about perception. I realized today that I have been looking at love and relationships the wrong way.

Not wanting to let go of the past. Wishing for something to be different. I didn’t want to see that it was me.

The pain we carry when we loose someone is because we don’t want to let them go. We hold onto what was because we are too afraid. With that fear, we keep others from coming in and brace ourselves for the worst. 

We will meet many a people in our lifetime, and true… everyone will leave sooner or later (it might just be you that is leaving). But, that is no reason to keep from opening your heart up. People enrich your lives should you choose to let them. Cherish those moments you have, instead of waiting for the time when they will leave. Have no expectations, just enjoy what comes. 

This is from an article I was reading on letting go…

"Most importantly, understand that you will survive it if you face it. Celebrate the relationships that you hold dear to you, enjoy them whilst you may, and live in the knowledge that sharing love is one of the most precious gifts we have." 

And here is the story that made it click!

I once heard a story of two men. One of these men was young and claimed to have the most beautiful and perfect of hearts. He showed his heart to all, boasting of its perfection and beauty. One day while in the midst of a crowd an old man stepped forward and said his heart was more beautiful than the young man’s flawless heart. The young man and crowd laughed at the old man’s heart full of scars and jagged edges where pieces had been removed and replaced. The young man said "Mine is perfect and yours is a mess of tears and scars." The old man replied "Yes, bit it’s those scars that make mine beautiful. The jagged edges are where I’ve given a piece of my heart to someone and replaced it with a piece of their heart given to me. The empty gouges are where I’ve given a piece away and the person didn’t return my love, the gouges stay painfully open until some day I hope they will. Do you see the true beauty of a heart?" The young man silently walked over to the man with tears running down his cheeks and gave him a piece of his heart, and the old man returned a piece of his own heart to the young man.

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