Phone Sex, Video Games, and Internet Dating

Ah, another weekend has come and gone.  Have any of you ever noticed how much more quickly time seems to pass as we age?  I remember the summers between grade school years seeming almost endless.  Once I reached high school, I never could seem to fit all of the things I wanted to do in one summer’s time.  Now the seasons just pass with a blur.  It seems like it was just yesterday that I was learning to drive on snow-packed roads.  Now, I’m walking around in t-shirts, enjoying sunny, sixty degree weather.  On the plus side, though, my work weeks don’t seem nearly as long, either.

I didn’t do a damn thing productive this weekend.  I spent most of it relaxing, recovering from my Nashville excursion.  After work Friday night, I headed straight home.  I played around on the internet, watched a little TV, and had some awesome phone sex.  *In the voice of Kyle’s mom* — What, what, what?!?

I’m not sure how many of you will remember Alan.  About a year ago, he came across my MySpace page.  I don’t normally strike up conversations with perfect strangers, but I was immediately attracted to him.  I didn’t even need to see him in person to know that he was, without a doubt, my type, if I can even be defined as having a type.  There have been very few times I have come across someone on MySpace and thought, "Damn, I could tear him up!"  Maybe some photos will refresh your memory…

Alan’s on the left.

Again, on the left.

Playing a show with his band, Mighty Sideshow.

Mighty Sideshow playing at (I think) Rhythm & Brews.

If anyone’s interested, here’s a link to the Mighty Sideshow homepage.  There’s lots more pictures, and I think you can even listen to some of their music.

Oh, yes.  I was all about it.  The longer our MySpace messages continued, the racier they became.  Before long, I found myself making plans to meet him at his house the next week.  I had never done anything like that before.  Yes, I have had my share of one night stands, but I’d never met someone solely with the intent on fucking them.  It was fun, it was adventurous, and it was exciting.  I was nervous, but not in an "I can’t believe I’m doing this" kind of way.  I was nervous in a "what if we don’t meet each other’s expectations" kind of way.  Wow, I’m getting all butterflies-in-stomach just recalling how that day felt.

One day the following week, I carried a stock of makeup and hair essentials with me to the office.  We had made plans to meet at his house right after I got off work, so I didn’t have time to run home first.  Besides, I lived 45 minutes away.  His place was on my way home, so I went straight there.  He met me at the door, and I just about fainted over how pretty he was.  Ha, seriously.  He invited me in, and we spent the next hour or two getting to know one another, drinking a couple of beers, and listening to some of his band’s music.  Not only is he pretty, he’s a fucking awesome singer!  Score!

There never was an awkward moment with him.  I never once felt strange about spending the entire afternoon with a man I’d only talked to over email.  After we’d loosened up a bit, he said, "I know there was probably this fear in the back of your mind that I wouldn’t look or act anything like I do on MySpace.  So, am I what you expected?"  I responded with, "Oh, you’re better than what I expected."  He followed up with, "Yeah, you’re exactly what I was hoping for."  And… the clothes were off.

It was fucking awesome.  We never even made it up to the bedroom.  It was broad daylight, and clothes were strewn everywhere.  Afterwards, we just laid naked on his couch smoking a cigarette, watching bits and pieces of whatever was on TV, and chatting.  At one point, he looked up at me and said, "You know, this is really odd.  I’m completely comfortable with you, like I’ve known you for years."  He just laid his head back down on my stomach and finished his smoke.

A little later on, we both got hungry.  We ordered delivery, and while waiting for it to arrive, we fucked again.  We had just barely gotten dressed when the guy showed up with our food.  After eating, watching more TV, and talking and laughing even more about all the silly nonsense in our heads, we fucked again.  This time, though, we finally made it to the bedroom.  I didn’t leave his place until the wee hours of the morning.  It was an amazing night.

We didn’t meet up again for a couple of weeks.  The next time, he actually took me out for dinner first.  After some fantastic Chinese and a romp in the sack (well, really on the couch), he suggested ice cream.  He took me to Baskin Robbins.  We hit the drive thru, and he ordered for me without even having to ask what I wanted — mint chocolate chip.  Apparently he had been reading my bulletins and actually paying attention.  Two points!  I can’t even remember how many times we slept together that night.  Just before I left, he asked me to come see a show he was playing downtown the next weekend.  Unfortunately, I was going to be out of town.

Long story not so short, we never "saw" each other again.  The week that I met him, I had dates with three other guys.  One I ended up liking quite a bit, but it never went anywhere.  And let’s face it, how could I really expect anything to develop with Alan?  I assumed that I just came off as an easy lay to him.  I seriously (and rightfully) doubted that I came off as relationship material.   

I never made plans to meet up with him again, but we’ve kept in touch via phone and email.  Until about two months ago, it had been quite awhile since I’d heard from him.  I’ve been so busy with life that I hadn’t even gotten a chance to tell him that I moved away.  Around Christmas he started sending me random text messages.  This was during the time I was dealing with all the Bobby drama, so I never responded.  Since then, I’ve received probably two messages a week from him.  Now that I’m in a better place emotionally, I decided that I should probably apologize for ignoring him.  I sent him a MySpace message early Friday saying just that.  Apparently though, he never logged in that day.  I got another text that night saying, "R u not my friend anymore?"

<p align=”left”>I felt terrible!  I immediately responded, apologizing and letting him know that I sent him a message earlier in the day.  We ended up texting back and forth for hours.  Throughout the course of the conversation, he told me that he thinks about me all the time.  "R u coming back here ever? I adore u!"  I asked him why we never got together again, explaining that it was neither of our faults.  Hell, he never made plans with me, and I never tried to make plans with him.  He answered, "Stupidity."  He then reminded me that he did try to get together with me again.  He tried to take me out to lunch one day, but I already had plans.  Oops!

Eventually, our messages became a little… dirty.  Dirty sooned turned to raunchy, and I was sending him nude photos of myself.  We both got entirely too worked up, so he called me.  I expected us to jump right into the nastiness and finish ourselves off, but he actually just talked to me for awhile first.  He told me that he can’t seem to get me out of his head.  He said that he hasn’t stopped thinking about me since the day we met and that he really wants to see me.  His band tours the country, so I asked if he ever plays out this way.  He’s trying to get on at a club here, so it’s a possibility.  God, had I just responded to his messages a couple of weeks ago, we could’ve met up while I was in Nashville.  It’s only a two hour drive.  I did let on to him that I would be in Nashville again in May for Dava’s wedding, though.  I might have to take an extra day off to make a Chattanooga pit stop.

I really did end up really liking him, though.  I just didn’t think it would go anywhere because I slept with him the second I met him.  That’s what I get for thinking.  I should’ve paid more attention to his signals.  Just seems like a chance for something really fun and cool and good that I might’ve missed out on.  That kind of sucks, you know?

Saturday, I did absolutely nothing.  I needed to go grocery shopping, but I put it off.  I actually spent most of the day playing Zuma on my 360 and messing around online.  And as you can see from my last entry, I spent that night experimenting with Photoshop.  I was ridiculously bored, but it was my own fault for not getting dressed and getting out of the house.  Sunday wasn’t a whole lot better.  I spent the morning playing Zuma, but I did finally shower and make it Walmart.  I also stopped by EB Games and picked up Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007.  Bobby bought it when he lived here, but of course, he took it when he left.  I love that game and ended up playing it for hours last night.

I don’t have anything terribly exciting going on this week.  I might have a date for the weekend, though.  Years ago, I signed up for  My profile has been disabled for a couple of years, but I turned it back on after Bobby and I split up.  I have a free lifetime membership because I joined when the site first started up.  It was some kind of promotion to get new members.  Anyway, I’m in a new city with a whole sea of fresh man-fishes, so I wanted to investigate my options.  This guy’s in the Army and is stationed at Fort Carson, which is literally four miles from my apartment.  We might get together for a drink this weekend.

What do we think, girls?

Felina Naranja

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He looks especially hot in that first pic – he looks like he’s a famous person or something, lol!!!! I like the whole rocker type sometimes, too. The second dude is also very cute, especially in that first pic of him!!!! Hottt!!

February 26, 2007

Call me wierd, but reading this entry made me hungry, like for food, to eat… I think it was that part where you ate inbetween rounds… 🙂

February 26, 2007

go get you some!

February 26, 2007

This is coming from a raging lesbian…HE IS ADORABLE! I would be straight for him…ok not really but you get the idea!

February 26, 2007


February 26, 2007

ryn: both of them are!

February 26, 2007

ryn: I bet you’ll have another chance at him 😉

February 26, 2007

alan is HOT, like on fire. and that guy is also adorable!

February 26, 2007

damn, you should have brought Alan with you to Colorado! 🙂 At least you’ll have reason to go back, not like you already don’t have reason!! *heehee* Have fun on your date–he’s a cutie!

Oh Lord, they are both beautiful. Go out with him. What will it hurt. Then find beautiful singer boy and do him. Over and over and over again. And then smoke a carton of cigarettes.

February 26, 2007

dont count alan out yet

February 26, 2007

i’m not a girl. but i love these tales of … lust.

alan’s hot. really. and i generally am not attracted to guys with long / long-ish hair. you’re a lucky gal! haha. and that second guy is cute. you should totally have a night out with him. recently i got into this “phase” where i wanted to try one of those dating-type sites, but i’m deathly afraid of creeps. haha.

February 26, 2007

He’s super cute

February 26, 2007

yeah, the soldier is a hottie. hope it works out for you to meet up with him!

February 26, 2007

Hey, I wanted to thank you for your help with the LINK thing…worked perfectly! You’re the best!

Must be rough, having so many guys to choose from. 😉

February 26, 2007

seriously, both those boys are hott!!

February 26, 2007

mmm go for it, he’s dreamy.

February 26, 2007

oh yeah, and the bottom guy is pretty cute too.

February 27, 2007

I’m just gonna say wow again, haha, because you got on my mind again this morning. Who made you so sexy, anyway? 😉

February 27, 2007

The Fort Carson guy is very cute, but Alan is HOT! Something about the hair, who knows!!!

February 27, 2007

The internet: where else can a woman fvck a guy she feels she knows while at the same time a man fvcks a woman he just met? (no surprises about how it felt, given the above)

March 3, 2007

Felina, you have the HOTTEST taste in men, I do have to admit!! YAH!! choices, CHOICES??? What’s a single girl to do, ‘eh? You’re crazy!! I love that you share it all with us! *wink*

March 4, 2007

um yeah, i’d screw that boys brains out! (random noter..sorry!)

March 12, 2007

fen hawt rachel!!! damnit i wish i could cuss on this thing lol