St. Patty’s Day 2010, Part Three (PICS)

<– More pics that-a-way!

More photos from our St. Patty’s Day celebration in Austin.  Enjoy!

chuck, jeremy and robyn
Chuck looks like he’s laying on hands.  Oh, heal me!

robyn and justin
Peace, homies.

Whatcha want to bet that’s Joe’s stubby finger in my face?

me and joe
I win.  Oh, and on a side note, I have absolutely no idea where that sticker on my face came from.

robyn, justin and me
And then there were… green lightsabers.  You know, some guy almost got his ass kicked by three different people that night for stealing mine from out of my shirt when I was paying for a Guinness.  Bastard.  I got it back, though.

Surely you anticipated this?

Okay, I have to explain.  If you haven’t seen David After Dentist, go watch it now.  Then after you’ve watched that video, you absolutely must go watch Chad Vader After Dentist.  Only then will you really understand the emotion I was trying to convey in this photo.
jeremy and robyn
You had to see this coming, too, right?

me and chuck
Of course, Chuck insisted on one just like it, but I was laughing too hard to ‘perform.’

jeremy and robyn
Okay, this one’s just weird.  And yes, we really were doing all this in public.

chuck and joe
Chuck and Joe the proceeded to get into a sword fight.  Excuse me, a epic lightsaber battle.

chuck and joe

It’s not a guitar, honey.

me, chuck, robyn and jeremy
The funniest thing about this picture is that Robyn’s is broken.

What’s really going on here?

You go get ’em, girl.  Tell ’em who’s boss!

robyn and me
I think this was my favorite picture of the night.

robyn, justin, aaron and me
Green shots.

justin and aaron
Faces after drinking said green shots.

That’s the last of the St. Patty’s Day pictures, but more photos to come tomorrow.  Night everybody!


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April 6, 2010

what fun!

April 6, 2010

i love them!

April 6, 2010

Ah good times!