Sunday night

Well this entry finds me in my own bed. I stayed the weekend at my aunts house… and slept on her couch. He doesn’t know where she lives and after all of his threats I felt it would be best if I was away from the house for a couple days.

im finally home again. I’ve got to say, coming home made me so anxious… and as I’m laying here in bed I am still so incredibly anxious. I did figure out a way to change the digital keypad lock he put on the front door, so at least he doesn’t know the code to get in the door…. I do fear he would break my sliding glass doors in the back to get in if he truly wanted to hurt me or the kids… I hope they were just words he shared out of anger and that he stays gone.

im not sure where he went when he left here. He took all of his things that were in the house with him and I told him anything left I’d get rid of because he wasn’t allowed back in my house. He still has his shed that is full of crap, sitting in my yard… he claims he’s coming back with a uhaul to get all of that stuff out of it. He is behind on payments on it so part of me wishes the company he rented it from would just come get it.

when he left I cancelled his insurance and removed him and his truck from my policy… made my insurance $560 cheaper! Winning! I also cut his cell phone off….. they were both in my name and sorry for him… but when you leave me and treat me like shit…. I stop paying your bills and def don’t give two fucks what happens to you or your finances …. I’m sure he’s back with mama at 41 years old and that she’s taking care of his bills. Hope she adds him to her insurance too because his license will be suspended if he doesn’t have full coverage on his financed truck…. He’s literally telling people I held him prisoner in this house lol and that the day i kicked him out… I drained his bank accounts…. Uhm…. Lol you haven’t had a job in months 🤣🤣🤣 you drained your own accounts bitch.

feeling better each day. Getting more angry … haven’t cried a single tear since Friday …. Now it’s just anger from being used and the BS he’s spreading about me… what a fucking douche. Take some accountability for why this failed dumbass… it could help you. 🙄🙄

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October 18, 2021

In this case, I think anger is good, and justified. It makes you less sad because your focus changes. You are already getting stronger, and I’m glad to see it. The anxiety will lessen everyday. You’re going to get your life back, and that is fabulous!

October 18, 2021

@caria I’m so thankful for you pushing me and being supportive no matter what decision I made. It means a lot to have someone like you in my life. I can tell you’re very genuine and those kind of people are the ones I want in my life. Thank you for being my friend, my real, genuine friend!

October 18, 2021

@genmarie90 oh, honey, no thanks ever needed! We all need someone in our corner, and I’m so glad I can be that for you. I’m honored to call you my real friend, too!

October 18, 2021

@caria ❤️❤️ You’re the best

October 18, 2021

Just more proof that you didn’t need him around.  That guy………good lawds, that guy.

Now…rest.  Recover.  Decompress.  It’s what you need to do, and more.  You’ll be back on your feet in no time.

October 18, 2021

@tigerhawk yeah I’m really excited about life and my future now. Everything is starting to fall together. I have an interview Wednesday with a sheriffs department which I really wanted! Just funny how once you get rid of the toxic everything comes together.

October 19, 2021

@genmarie90 – “Just funny how once you get rid of the toxic everything comes together” — I’ve always thought that environment is everything.  EVERYthing.  So yeah, the disappearance of the toxic and negative force does tend to clear a lot of things up.  Keep that in your back pocket and you’ll be unstoppable.