
My baby turned one yesterday. Which I think means she’s officially a "toddler" now and not really a baby, but she still looks like a baby to me. But I think maybe I’ll start referring to her by an initial here instead of calling her Baby from now on.

Her first cake experience was interesting. We took her out to a restaurant and got her a little piece of cake (I decided against trying to throw her a party with guests and stuff, because first of all it’s not like she’d even remember it, but also I’m planning to have 40-50 people crashing through my house next weekend and that’s plenty of hosting for one month!

So anyway, the cake…she had no clue what to do with it, because usually I give her food that’s either in pieces, or one big thing she can hold and take bites from, so she’s not used to having a piece of cake that she’s supposed to just dig into. So I gave her a little taste of the frosting, because I figured that might get her interested, and it definitely did get her interested, but then when she tried to grab more, the frosting got all over her hand and she got upset about it. So in her "first cake" pictures, she’s crying about having a messy hand. Such a girl. 🙂

I can’t believe I have a one-year-old now. It’s crazy. It simultaneously feels like it was just yesterday, and a lifetime ago, that she was born. This year has completely flown by, but I also have trouble fully remembering a time when I hadn’t met her yet.

She’s an awesome little girl. Everyone always comments on how happy and friendly she is, and she already has a little sense of humor and personality. She’s working really hard on talking lately…she’s not very good at actually pronouncing things, but she tries really hard. She’s obsessed with the cat, and he doesn’t return her feelings at all. And she’s such a sweet little cuddlebug. Now that she can walk, she’s all over the place most of the time, wanting to explore, but she always ends up coming back to me for a hug (which she asks for by reaching out to me, making cute little grabby motions with her hands, and saying "mama").

I fucking love this girl. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

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I don’t usually refer to my babies as toddlers until they are two. I think it’s because of the clothing. Ya know because they go 12 months, 18 months and then 2t My babies are 2 and 4 and I still call them the babies. Lol

At my daycare I work at infants are considered 0 to 18 months u still have baby time! Lol