Wedding stuff *

I guess maybe I could write about the wedding a bit, since it’s less than a month away. Pretty much everything is planned by now. The advantage to having a small wedding is that there really isn’t very much to plan!

It’s important to Noah that the ceremony is done by a pastor, but I really don’t want to get married in a church, so the compromise is that the pastor from his church where we used to live is going to come and do the ceremony, but we’re having it in a sort of garden-ish place, rather than in a church. And we’ve met with the pastor and he’s going to try and make it so it’s not an overly religious ceremony.

I have no idea how many people are coming, because we didn’t do formal invitations or anything like that. I think we invited about 50 people, but most live about 3 hours away, so I’m guessing not all of them will come. Which is fine with me, because I want it to be pretty small.

I do have a dress already. It’s not a "wedding" dress so much as just a white dress that I like…I’m just not the froofy dress type, I think. I did at one point go to a bridal store and look at actual wedding dresses, and they all just looked way too formal, plus they cost a ridiculous amount of money for a dress that I’d never be able to wear again. So instead I bought a $40 dress that I could totally wear for other occasions.

(sometimes I wonder if I’m missing a "girl" gene or something. Most of my friends pine after several hundred dollar shoes, and purses, and want the elaborate expensive wedding dresses, and I just don’t get it. The only time I’ve ever spent over $100 on a pair of shoes was to get good running shoes. And I just don’t even care a little bit what kind of purse I have. And I do want to look pretty for the wedding, but I’d rather wear something cute and comfortable instead of looking like a fucking cupcake)

Anyway, the ceremony should be pretty simple. Since it’s in a garden we don’t have to decorate, and they have chairs and things there that they’ll set up. I have a maid of honor and he has a best man, no big wedding party. Baby is going to be sort of a flower girl, I guess, although she’s too young to actually scatter flower petals or anything (she’d probably just try to eat them). But I got her an adorable little dress, and I’ll probably see if I can get her to toddle her way down the aisle. Which should be the cutest thing ever, because at the moment when she walks she holds her hands up out to the side by her head for balance, and it kind of has a "giant baby attacks!" effect.

I’m supposed to write vows. I haven’t started yet. I have NO idea what to say…I’m really terrible with words. And I know Noah has been working on it for months now (because a few months ago I found a folder on his computer where he was writing a whole bunch of drafts and things), and his will be really good, and I’m going to sound like an idiot.

And right now the plan is to just take everyone back to our house afterward and have a sort of reception thing there. I have a friend who says he’ll grill some stuff, and I’ll probably make up some random side dishes and things, and we’ll just have a kind of informal backyard picnic thing. I hope that’s not tacky…

So those are the wedding plans. I definitely need to get it together with the vows soon.

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You would’ve written a good one for mike. I don’t think you should be getting married. No offense.