
Time for more subversion. After all, seeing the course I’m on, what other path is there really? Subversion to more subversion, subsisting to more subsisting. Beautiful really. Mechanical almost. Mechanical but very much alive.

Life is a beautiful thing. The way it curls, wisps away and stems from a source. It’s even more beautiful in the things that aren’t supposed to be alive. People are obviously alive…aren’t they? It seems to me that perhaps we’re not as complex as others think they are. Perhaps the only difference is the level of complexity. If we really were something different, then why do we constantly think the same things, trip over the same thoughts, feel the same things? Why is there never true growth? Why is there always weakness and pain and hatred? In many ways we’re just like computers, we can only operate within certain bounds. The only way to truly advance ourselves is to load up newer, more sophesticated programs (read, ways of belief and of thinking) so that we can operate more effectively in our little boxes. Yes, I’m sure you’ve heard the term ‘think outside the box.’ But think about it, how many of us actually do that? Absolutely no one. We always think in the same damn way, we don’t imagine something that we don’t have some basis for. You can imagine some wild things, living cars, shapeshifting, immense matrices of information in a world where people are batteries, but look at that; what’s the underlying factor? They’re all based on things we already know. Living cars is easy, take a car and apply human or animal aspects to it, make it move in ways it couldn’t normally. Allow it to ‘think.’ Make it like us. Logical, there is nothing out-of-our-box about that. It’s just a meshing of two other things in our box. Same with shapeshifting but this time it’s with people and with animals. And same with the matrix, it’s about how computers work and our very lives. There’s nothing out of this world about it except, perhaps, that it’s not a part of our normal everyday lives. So I would contest that people can only think in terms they already know and they cannot ever advance beyond that further, normally. Hardware and software upgrades may give us more depth and allow us to see, feel and be more than we normally are, but at this point I don’t think anyone has developed either upgrades enough to enchance this human-machine. So in the end we always experience, feel, and act on the same things. Isn’t that funny?

Perhaps we should aspire to be more like simpler machines. Like a computer. To take our superior technology within our mind and rearrange ourselves to beep and click and process in the most logical methods available to us. To discard the weakness and to discard the misinformation and to leave behind only a cold comfort, to leave behind only crisp truth and justice.

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