Blog #59

Today I’m thinking in a way entirely new and different to me. Before I always thought in words and in pictures…but now, now I’m thinking in sounds. Lilting high harmonies and then deep valleys of bass.

I think that I might need a midi keyboard and a program to send the information to; I should compose what I’m hearing.

But the strangest thing today was not that. The strangest thing was that, as I was playing the keyboard, after a while and I had gotten into it, I was listening more than I was focusing on what I was playing. And what I heard was so sad, it was so low and so down. I hadn’t realized that that was what naturally came out of me. I tried playing something happier and I would for a short time but I always came back down because it felt more ‘correct’ and ‘right.’ Is this how others see me, too?

Log in to write a note

Have you ever heard of Finale? It’s a music composition program. You can compose your own and it has all kinds of neat little gadgets to help you. Oh and you can google search for Finale files and download other songs and see how they are composed.