

Mime’amakim kar’ati elaich boi elai
beshuvech yach’zor shuv ha’or be’einai
lo gamur,
lo ozev t’aamaga beyadaich
sheyavo veya’ir lemish’ma

kol tz’chokech.

Mime’amakim kar’ati elaich boi elai
mul yare’ach me’ir et darkech shuv elai
nifrasu venamsu mul
maga shel yadaich
be’oznaich lochesh sho’el:

Mi zeh kore lach halailah – hakshivi
mi shar bakol elaich – el chalonech
mi sam nafsho shetehi me’usheret
mi yasim yad veyivneh et beitech.
Mi yiten chayav, yasimam mitachtaich
mi ka’afar leraglaich yichyeh
mi yohavech od mikol ohavaich
mi mikol ru’ach ra’ah yatzilech

Mime’amakim kar’ati elaich boi elai
mul yare’ach me’ir et darkech shuv elai
nifrasu venam’su mul
maga shel yadaich
be’oznaich lochesh sho’el
Mi zeh kore lach halailah …

Mi zeh kore lach halailah …


From the Depths

From the Depths I called to you ‘come to me’
With your return the light in my eyes shall shine once more
It’s not finished…
I will never leave the touch of your hands
That it may come and light up
With Hearing the sound of your laugh.

From the Depths I called to you ‘come to me’
The moonlight will once again light your way to me
Spread out and melted again;

The touch of your hands
I whisper gently in your ear:

Who is it that calls to you tonight? – listen
Who sings to you – calls up to your window?
Who would give his soul so you’d be happy?
Who would take his hands and build your home?
Who would give his life, lay it before you?
Who would be like the dust living at your feet?
Who would love you and all of your loves?
Who would save you from all evil?
From the Depths

From the Depths I called to you ‘come to me’
The moonlight will once again light your way to me
Spread out and melted

Against the touch of your hands
Whispering gently in your ear:
Who is it that calls to you tonight…

Who is it that calls to you tonight…


Some songs ring more true than others, some seem to hold a greater significance then the song itself. Perhaps it’s because of the situation around the song, the lyrics and their closeness to an important feeling or situation. This is one of those songs, to me.

This, at least to me, is unquestionably our song. Perhaps she feels the same.

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