36 Years Ago Today

At this very hour, 36 years ago …. I was asleep on the living room sofa, comfortable for the first time in months.  I was soon expecting a baby and the evening before I began leaking a very miniscule amount of amniotic fluid each time I stood up, or sat down, so the  obstetrician advised me to sit tight, and call back when contractions began.

However, they hadn’t, and so there I was sleeping like a rock, on a new sofa, covered with a showercurtain which was covered with a gazillion towels (just in case) sleeping like a rock for the first time in what felt like forever, and so was baby.  Gentle movements but no kicking, no bladder pressure, feeling absolutely wonderful and dreaming peaceful dreams.

And then the phone rang, it was 7am and the Doctor wanted to know how far apart the contractions were.  I told him there were none and so he said come into the hospital now.

My husband said he wanted to sleep and saw no need for him to be with me since there were no contractions, I so I drove myself and he planned to join me later (I wasn’t happy about that … and yes, eventually I did end up divorcing him … but not just for that!)

And then later that afternoon, I delivered (by cesarean section) the most beautiful baby girl in the universe, who is  today, 37 years, still as beautiful, and a lovely loving Mommy herself!    One little boy 3 years old, and a 4 month old baby girl ….. both even more precious than I could have ever imagined!

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!    But I’m the one who has the best gift of all no matter what kind of gifts you receive on your special day!!!!


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September 3, 2019

Happy birthday to your daughter!

September 3, 2019

Happy birthday to your daughter.