Dear Baby Bean #3




Dear Baby Bean,

You’re 20 weeks and 1 day today, officially halfway here. On Friday we’ll be going to the doctor for a regular appointment and for our anatomy ultrasound. The doctor will make sure that you’re growing the way you should be and that you’re healthy. She’ll also tell us if you’re a boy or a girl. According the baby books and websites, the next four weeks will be huge for your development. You’re about 10.5 oz and starting to swallow now to give your digestive system some practice. A month from now, your lungs will be developing. Because you don’t need them when you’re in the womb, the lungs are one of the last things to develop.

Physically, I have to admit that I’m not feeling at the top of my game. My hips have always been wide and the hormones are causing my joints to relax even more. One of those joints is at the base of the pelvis. And while it’s important for that joint to spread during birth, it’s causing some pain when I walk or shift my weight from foot to foot. I honestly thought I was imagining it at first, because it didn’t make sense that I would have pain from putting on pants. But by the end of walking around a corn maze and pumpkin picking yesterday, I felt like I could barely walk. I’m still sore today, so I’m glad I’ve gotten my chores for the day done already. Now I can relax until it’s time to make dinner. I’ll ask the doctor about it on Friday, but I think it’s something called symphysis pubis dysfunction. Unfortunately, the only way to be sure is to have an MRI or x-ray, and that will have to wait until after you’re born.

Until then, your daddy has been wonderful doing all the heavy lifting and helping me out. I even need him to tie my shoes sometimes!

Your grandma Lisa looked up Hunter S. Thompson online this morning, because she didn’t know who he was. Now she doesn’t understand why we would want to name you after him. Yes, he did a lot of drugs and that’s not something I want you to do in the future. But he was also incredibly intelligent and insightful and a very talented writer. And those are qualities that I do want you to have.



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October 18, 2011

RYN: I would probably try ECT if all other avenues failed. However, I think I would use it as a last resort.