January 11th, 2021

Last day before my little mini-vacation.

One way or another at least. Turns out my wife -may- have had an exposure to COVID via someone who tested positive but neglected to tell her for a week. She’s getting a test and if positive? I’m gonna be in lockdown for a while. So will she. My enjoyable weekend away? Flushed down the toilet. So much goddamned hate.

But one thing at a time. Not panicking until I’ve had need to panic demonstrated, as I say to my boys.

Back to the shift.  Monday. Typically dead-as-hell, watch some football on the TV, and stock the beer coolers to bursting.

When I arrived one of our older native gentlemen is sitting in the lounge. He gets a drink, socializes, is generally agreeable.

Boy – that doesn’t last long. It quickly becomes apparent after he keeps badgering everyone he can find about getting a shot to go with his beer (which is against our rules – local thing), that he either doesn’t care, isn’t capable of understanding, or some combination of the two. His stubborn instence eventually moves through snarky and lands in the obnoxious range, and that’s that. I call security. They come down and have a chat with him. Half an hour later he’s gone. Left me a fiver on his table though.

Go fig.

College football championship game was on, which promised to be an interesting contest, at least for the first quarter. After that it gradually moved through to flat out boring. I like games to be exciting nail-biters, not dull squash-fests, a condition into which it rapidly devolved. Prior to that we watched the national news on request of a guest (Frightening. The news, not the guest. He was just a little ‘greasy’ looking.)

That sort of characterized the evening, though. It was on the whole, fairly boring, but the people were generous. I usually don’t count Monday as my bigger tip night, but of the four evening I worked, my take was only bested by Saturday night. No complaints. Money is good, n’ all that.

And that’s that. Time to relax for a while. Hopefully the wife’s test comes back clean and I’ll be back to work on Sunday evening after an enjoyable weekend away. If it doesn’t? Guess I’ll have longer to relax or something, I suppose. Just not as I’d imagined it.


Have a good one, folks.


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