March 8th, 2021

Well, Monday was slow as expected.

It was arguably a hair slower than Sunday too, but really, both nights were within what I’d consider to be expected margins.

Our new supervisor (and our current primary one) were skittering about doing cleaning and organizing and generally getting in the way. Our new supervisor started trying her hand behind the bar, as well.

This is one of those subject areas where I have traditionally conflicted feelings. On the one hand, it’s nice to see that she’s not scared to try it and learn. (Some of our previous ones have -refused- to help). On the other, it’s a little rough, and it’s no fun training supervisors. You have to craft your critique language very carefully. Still – she was willing to listen to the nuances I know having done this for almost 12 years, so – I have hopes that this last supervisor I help to train will be able to carry on the good work.

I’ve been thinking over the options laid out before me to stay around. Honestly – I just don’t feel like they’re tenable. The bar/grill non-smoking venue -is- a nice enough place to work, yes, but it’d only be 10 hrs in a week. Even if I get a service bar rotation in there, it’s not even 20 hours in a week. I -might- be okay with it like, over the summer sort of thing, because the extra money wouldn’t be amiss. No firm decision yet, though. I tell you this, though, they’re going to need to understand very clearly that I will -not- work in smoke ever again.  Like, if all their other barkeeps call in during a single evening and I’m supposed to be over in the little non-smoking bar, I will categorically NOT go down to the smoking bar. I WILL simply walk out if they insist. I WILL simply stop working if the smoke gets over to my part of the casino. (And there’s probably a long screed on the back-burner about smoking indoors and the sheer boggling disregard for non-smokers that smokers that are allowed to smoke in a building have – based on years of obvservation mind you, not just random verbal spew….  but I’m going to leave that for now. I have a day to get to.)

I did call the MIS department in the casino with an eye to just transfer laterally, but nothing’s open at the moment. Ah well. Worth an ask. Maybe I’ll nudge the tech guy next time he comes down to fix something. I doubt it’s going to go anywhere, but – something to try. I’m already employed by the place at large, so… some benefits there.

More than likely I’ll just find a retail gig and work store for a while again. Local chain hardware place is doing $15/hr, so might be something. It’s not bar money -sigh- but with smoke coming back, bar money isn’t even bar money. Still kind of a net gain compared to $0.

But I digress.

I stocked a lot of beers, as is the way for Monday nights. I chatted with a few guests here and there. I cleaned off some cooler doors. I did -not- get my philosophy lecture taken in, because my doofy ass forgot to bring my earbuds down to my side of the house, and while I could have gone back for them, I’d have lost about 10 minutes of my total break time in the round trip and it just wasn’t worth it. I did some programming and philosophy reading instead, and it’ll all more or less come out in the wash.

Finally – while there’s a part of me that’s still quite upset about the pending change come May 1st, there’s another part of me that’s desperately happy about it. I’m starting to do that thing where you look down at the space, and realize you’ve spent the better part of 12 years spending a good portion of that time… here. I -will- stupidly miss it when I’m gone.

But I’ll miss the money more. And once again for everyone in the back – Fuck ALL of the self-centered idiots for putting me in this position. Sandy vaseline. You hear me? Sandy vaseline. (And I suppose honestly a quiet, muttered-through-clenched-teeth ‘thank you’ for giving me an excuse.)

And that was that for this 4-day run. Did over double my projected intake though, so that was good.

Take it easy, folks.

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