Ready for an end to 2013

I am so ready for this year to be over with; lets get into a year with a good even number okay? Just the last week has had enough drama in it for the year.

December 12, 2013 we adopted an adorable black kitten. She came from the shelter meaning we saved a life, right?

December 28, 2013 I went to the veterinarian on a Saturday because my kitten was not moving a lot not eating or drinking or doing a lot… I went home with a 75 dollar vet bill and an empty collar. Sadie lived with us 16 days and went down hill fast. The shelter is being nice about it and offering to let us choose one right out of their foster homes when we decide to try again. Not sure of when that will be.

December 29, 2013 got stuck at work longer than I anticipated but was nice about it. Really wasn’t in the mood to be there  but knew I needed to open the store. Boss accused me of getting agitated when she yelled at me for something I didn’t do. I can’t help that she was out sick for two days (neither can she) but I wasn’t there the days that she wasn’t either.

December 30, 2013 opened the front door to find a court notice regarding a bill that I thought had been long paid. Come to find not only hasn’t it been paid but I now owe for fees from it not being paid. arrangements are being made for it to be done before the court date.

THen on the news tonight I heard about a house fire near where a friend from school lives. I didn’t know her exact address but I had a box with it on it. I didn’t check until I saw someone post to her facebook page. It was her house that burnt and this was after it flooded from the rain last week. I think the friends in question were still in Florida at the time but the firefighters had a rough time putting out the fire due to the personal belongings in the house (probably because of the flooded basement!). I don’t know how much of the house is a loss but prayers for them are welcome… I KNEW SOMETHING WASN’T RIGHT TODAY!!!

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December 31, 2013

so sorry about the kitten! Glad to see you stopped in for an update! I wish for you a very Happy 2014!! >^..^<