
Stressful couple of days over at the bell household. I don’t really want to go into it all too much cause its really quite boring. Just the little mundane things that build up until you are screaming at each other about the colour of your tshirt clashing with the bedclothes.
Ill be happy when Myke gets this 10 days off in between jobs. So very very happy. We need some time together, just the two of us. There’s far too much of other people’s opinions and problems sneaking into our relationship.

I make it sound like we’re having issues but were not. We had a pretty big fall out yesterday, but it was needed I think. Lol. I have other stuff I want to talk about but they can wait until later.
wedding countdown

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Ooooosh.. Onwards and upwards though sweetie! Sometimes you need blow outs like that to make you love and appreciate each other even more x

March 23, 2013
March 23, 2013

Mwah sweetie, hope you’re ok. Lee Mee xXx

March 23, 2013

Sometimes we all just let things pent up til they explode!! Im glad everything is okay now 🙂

I’m sure you already know, but conflict is necessary and healthy. Of course it’s also sucky and stressful. Hope things pick up soon!