Open Diary is shutting down

Life is crazy sometimes, isn’t it?

I would have never known that this website was shutting down if I didn’t come here today.
I would never have come here today if I didn’t have that weird dream last night, and 3 nights ago.

The fact that you are in a love triangle that i predicted makes me confident that I made the right decision when I broke up with you (what feels like a year ago). But I think I am too frequently downplaying the relationship we had. I mean, we shared a home. So regardless of how I feel or felt or think I feel, I have to stop saying that the relationship didn’t mean anything. My subconscious seems to feel differently.
(And, it hurt to know you wanted my support and i couldn’t be there for you. But then again, why would you need my support if you have your girlfriend’s? That’s just unnecessary. But it did still hurt for a minute to know that.)

But, here we are. Open diary is shutting down and I’ll never again know your inner thoughts, and you’ll never again know mine. Good riddance on one hand, but kind of sad on the other hand to lose this website. I hadn’t been here for months before this week. I hadn’t seen any of your inner thoughts for a very very long time, which, i’m sure was beneficial to my sanity. 

And here I am. Saying goodbye to Open Diary. Just like I said goodbye to you, and just like i will say goodbye to this town and to my entire current life in 6 months. Nothing at all will be the same. Which is exciting, don’t get me wrong, but holy freaking shit.

So goodbye Open Diary, good riddance.

Goodbye you. I hope someday you’re happy and comfortable in your life.
Goodbye thoughts of you, and goodbye dreams that i hate clogging my sleep.
When I’d rather be dreaming of someone else.


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February 2, 2014

love this one. xo