What Love is to Me

When you kiss me,
when you hug me,
when you lay your head on me,
when you caress me,
when you rub my head,
when you scratch my back,
when you prepare food for me,
when you spend time with me, you tell me you love me.
You tell me you want to be around me.
You tell me I make you feel comfortable.
You tell me I’m attractive.
You tell me you’re attracted to me.
You tell me I’m wanted.
You tell me I’m needed.
You tell me I’m desirable.
You tell me I’m sexy.
You tell me I’m loved.
They are like promises.
But when you make love to me, you show me you love me.
You prove to me that the things you tell me are true.
You fulfill those promises.

Without sex, they are empty promises and I feel lied to. I need to be reminded of your love often.

I can’t just be told.

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Honestly, guy, your wife seems like a huge bitch. You need to get away from that monster and fast. She is bringing you down.