monday may 16 2122

up at 8.30 am   9.18 am to 9.35 am on iTunes.     9.40 pm to online 9.40 am to 10 30 am online 10 30 am to 12.10 am to get free Launch today was potatoes and 2 sausages and bun and coffee 100pm to 1.40 pm reading 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm General Hospital. 3.00m to 3.40 pm had a shower. 3.40 pm to 4.55 pm more reading. 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm supper had kraft dinner   6.00 pm to 7.00 pm the news. 7.00p  to 1100pm shows on tv  .11.00pm to 1132 pm  the  news .





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Heya Todd, how are ya? 🙂