might as well

OD, this is our moment, you and I. I, indecision, dreamergrrl, traumerin… I am bi. This is me coming out to you after 19 years of knowing one another. I’ll run through some quick FAQs:

How long have you known?
Unclear. I’ve only started talking about it to anyone in the past 6 months. But part of me thinks I’ve always known.

Are you sure you’re not a lesbian?

Have you ever dated a woman?
You do realize you literally know about every person I’ve ever dated, right? Clearly I have not.

Have you ever had a physical encounter with a woman?
You realize I would have told you, right?

Why are you coming out now?
Because dating sucks and men suck and I’m gonna try something else now. I’m pretty sure by the numbers alone that there are more women and better women (cis and trans) to date in this city. And like. Whatever. It’s time to start talking about this.

Do you identify as queer?
Technically I fit that label, I just don’t happen to like that label.

That’s all I’ve got, OD. That’s all I’ve got.


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