Welcome Back.

My heart was shattered in a way I didn’t know was possible.
I was in love with some(thing) that had captivated – captured – my world for so long.

And it was torn away.

I missed the warning that OD was closing. I missed the chance to save the words that showed my growth from adolescence to adult hood. I cried more deeply than I knew was possible. It felt like a piece of me had been torn out and demolished. Because it had.
I have mixed feelings about being here again. Over the years I’ve shared with the people closest to me how devastated I still felt about losing this space, community, and words. While thankful to have it all back, I fear that this will just happen again. I also fear that so many of those cherished friends wont come back.


I hope you all do. I’ve missed you all dearly.

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April 6, 2018

Like you I was hurt when the site originally went down.   It was a place where I could write things without being judged.  I hope this finds you well. God bless

April 6, 2018

I know exactly how you feel…

April 6, 2018

We are glad to be back and building this community again – we intend to be here for the long haul, and hope that you will see that in our actions. Welcome back!