6 of Swords.

‘That she was loved, of course I always knew. The facts about her public persona were not in doubt: that people in countries she had never visited cherished her for the beauty of her voice; that millions of males desired her body and dreamed of it at night; that women of all ages admired and were grateful for her outspokenness, her fearlessness, her musicianship; that when she campaigned against famine, or for the alleviation of the third world’s burden of debt, or on behalf of various environmental and vegetarian agencies, the world’s leaders, expecting to patronise her, to pat her on the backside and ignore her demands, were first impressed, then seduced and finally coerced into significant concessions by her quickness of intellect, her determination, her grasp; that she was immensely famous, fabulously photogenic, overwhelmingly sexy and great good fun; and that she was the first superstar of the age of confession, who, by her willingness to bare her scars, to live her private life in public, to talk about her wounds, her mistakes, her faults, found a direct line to the world’s ashamed unconfident heart, so that, extraordinary and powerful and successful as she was, she came to be seen as an ordinary woman writ large, flawed yet worthy, strong and weak. self-reliant and needy. She was a rock goddess of the golden age, but she was, improbably, also one of us.’

‘The Ground Beneath Her Feet’ – Salman Rushdie


Why the 6 of Swords, today ? After the bubbling and brimming over of the Ace of Cups yesterday. Your guess is as good as mine, petal.

Listening to : ‘To Build A Home’ – Cinematic Orchestra

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