Me me me.

I mumble under my breath when I’m annoyed, and today I mumbled at least 10 times in a 5 minute period. I’m home, and I went to Steak and Shake to meet with Bo, and I started a conversation on my waining faith, and the search for, and it seems he’s one of those people who loves to say what he thinks on the subject, and then end up changing the entire topic to them.

So fine, I’ll play like I care, like it doesn’t annoy me that I was in the middle of a thought.

And as it goes on, I get angrier and angrier, and I realize that I’m feeling better than everyone at that restaurant. I tell myself to stop.

And he keeps going. On about nothing, Nothing.

At the end there’s a pause (since I haven’t said more that my grumbles and a few words in 10 minutes) and he sighs and says “man it’s already better with you back”.

And I thought, hey, if acting like I care makes him feel good, then I will.

It ain’t good to be back.

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