Okay, why?

Yeah, notgoingwell, notgoingwell.

I can sort of tell she’s trying to slowly end this, into a friendship at least.

(God, Sarah wrote her a note and told me to give it to her. It ended with “Be careful with him. He bruises easily.” What The Fuck. Good way to scare someone, Sarah: that’s like putting a mouse next to a cartoon elephant. It always ends badly.)

We were supposed to watch Aladdin tomorrow night, a guess what?: she invited all of drama. The people she knows I feel uncomfortable around.

She’s trying.

Sigh. Last night she brought up me moving to NYC and said, well asked if there is a point to us.

I want a girlfriend. I like her. She likes me. It could add up to girlfriend to me, which makes me happy, so yeah, there is a point.

To her: she’s 15. She’ll waste a year with someone who’ll mean nothing in a few. Just be the guy who wasn’t very good at kissing. The one who Bruised easily.

So it’s all very selfish.

And, I’ll probably just end up letting her end it. I can tell. It’s what she wants.

She’s 15 and you have to respect it.

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