Reflecting Yesterday

Yesterday was the first day of the NEW YEAR! (It makes me happy that the last two years are behind me.)

And for the New Year what did I do?

I stayed in my room (my temporary room that is), I didn’t leave unless it was for the necessary health reasons. However for the majority of my time I remained in my room. I stayed eyes glued to this computer screen that I am typing away with right now. Was I procrastinating? Did I have lots of other things that I needed to do? You Betcha!

Yet I don’t feel ashamed. What good would that do? By getting down about it, all it does is perpetuates the downward spiral of staying in that current “Time Wasted Rut”. For the record I do wish I could have been more productive than being on the computer for the whole day (14 hours that is). However I do feel like it was suppose to happen. It’s not something that can be put into words, it’s a feeling that can only be felt by the person living that event.

Everything happens for a reason. We can say to ourselves “I could have, should have, would have… done this or that.” It doesn’t matter. It happened, and anything that has come to pass was “meant to be”. Otherwise this wouldn’t be apart of our past.

It is a funny thing how we humans think that, because we can reflect the past that we must have the ability to change the past too. If only we try to stress so hard that our heads “POP OFF”, then maybe we can change those events (Good luck).

Enter the world of negativity, anxiety, and the other “Time Wasting” activities. By having life get the best of us, we definitely waste our time doing things we didn’t want to do in the first place. However Everything happens for a reason, and once we see beyond this “Negativity Game” that we “Fall Prey” to and for the most part put ourselves into. Then we can be productive with our time.

Yesterday was a day of rest, the beginning of the end of the “Old ME”.

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