Beautiful Day & 2009

Its going to be a nice day out today..  The sun is shining. 

I am addicted to the coffee at Circle K,

so many different flavored coffees and creamers.


Things that has happened last year 2009

We sold my grandpa’s house and split the money,
however, i havnt talked to my aunt and her girlfriend since that day.

I also sold my house and got out from underneath that money pit.

My son and his wife seperated.
He hooked up with someone else to help get over his wife
and ended up getting this girl pregnant.
So yeah, i finally get to be a grandma.  They are expecting a boy.
I would like to think that if she wasnt pregnant that she would not
be around.  She treats my son badly and doesnt work, clean, or do any laundry.
She has two kids already that she lost custody of.

Tonya & I moved out of the small two bedroom duplex and moved
into a large three bedroom house with a two car garage.  We each
have our own bedroom and use the third bedroom as an office/crafty room.
And, we love parking in the garage.  Esp with all the snow and ice we have had this winter.

We were supposed to rent my uncles three bedroom house so he could move to Indiana to be closer to his
mother, and he was going to charge is less rent than what we were paying at the duplex.  After we gave our
30 day notice at the duplex, my uncle backed out of the deal.   So we were forced to move to where
we are and paying more than we would like in rent.   Needless to say,  I havent talked to my uncle since he backed out.

I finally got divorced.

Last July we took a road trip to Pensacola Beach Florida and rented a beach house.
There was 8 of us that went.  It was a little crowded for me.  lol  Not to mention that i got
sunburnt like the first day we got there and both Tonya and I got sick on our way back home.  But, we did get away for a week and the ocean was beautiful as always.

Also last year, Tonya and I went to a travel agent and booked our very first cruise that we are so excited about.
We are taking the Canada & New England Cruise the end of september.  
We are flying into New York a day early and staying a date late after the cruise so we can expore New York while we are there.

So this year with our income tax refunds we paid off the cruise, air fare, and applied for our passports that we should have
back by the end of this month.   Tonya has ordered her a new camera and I already have a little camera but i’m really wanting
another Canon Rebel or a Nikon.   So, im trying to hold out until i can find a great deal on one. 

Thats all i can think of right now.. lol

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