Christmas eve

So it’s Christmas Eve and my mental health has taken a plummet today, this morning A was refusing to brush her teeth and G shouted at her which caused her to shout back (as I would if someone shouted at me), we have such different parenting styles and I had to again remind him that shouting wasn’t the best tactic that never goes down well with him, he said she needs to learns boundaries and that I’m too soft, it just put such a downer om the morning, he shouts all the time at her and it does have an impact on both of us. His parents are coming tomorrow but staying in a B&B tonight, we’ve told his mum we wanted this evening to be about the three of us, be all cosy, hot chocolate, Christmas movie and buffet food but she keeps hassling my partner finding different ways to come round this evening first it was to drop off presents, then it was to drop off food! Just take no as an answer, boundaries and control have always been an issue for her. I’m trying to pull myself out of this dark mood because it is Christmas after all and I will definitely try and make the best of it tomorrow, let’s hope the day improves.



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