On the fence about Niagara Falls

Hello, it’s one of your favorite redheads…
My phone screens. I use Talkatone WiFi phone bc I don’t have a sim card. My friend Jotee gave it to me.
Today is Friday, and that means my bath day and the CMHA therapy group.
I don’t reckon that we will get many kidlets on Samhain, bc of fucking Covid/and all it’s horrible variants….
Just sayin’…
Most people/ kids are going about life here like any other year. We anticipate lots of children trick or treating though I’ll be working so I most likely won’t see any. Marty lives in a country like setting where the houses are far apart. I doubt children trick or treat on his street.
@mamaqueenie518 Yeah, not a lot of kiddos here either. 🙁
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Covid numbers here are pretty good.. trick or treating will be full blown here
@kaliko Have you decorated your house as per usual Kat? LOL
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I hope you get some kids and I love your phone’s photo!
@novembercirese TY and I hope so too!
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Hello from the other favorite redhead! Covid is really bad here. I think they said Colorado is now the worst in the US.
@heffay “the other favorite redhead” — I LOVE it!
And don’t get Covid!
@ghostdancer I’m doing my best not to.
And that’s right, I’ve randomly determined that I am the other favorite 🙂
@heffay <3
@heffay You are my dear.
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Probably not. I hadn’t thought of that.
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