He Got A Job!

I’ve still got a few years to catch up on here, but I wanted to do a quick update. Also, I left out a pretty major detail in my last entry… On June 7, 2014, after almost 9 years together, Darryl and I finally got married! Lol, I can’t believe I forgot to include that. Anyway, this month has been rough because Darryl got fired from a job he really enjoyed on the 2nd. He was a diver for a golf cart company and got into an accident in the company truck, so they let him go. It was a rough transition for both of us. He’s been job searching like crazy and I’ve been taking any OT offered at my job. Well, today it all paid off. It’s a fast food job, but who cares. We’re in a good place. I make plenty of money to support our basic needs and my boss is pretty insistent on getting me another raise in a few months. I just want him to be happy where he’s at because that’s always been an issue and he really enjoyed what he did as a driver. Anyway, I have work in the morning and I’m exhausted anyway. Until next time. <3

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March 19, 2018
